Posted on May 24, 2018
1SG Vet Technician
Everywhere I look, I see Soldiers, (including myself) who spends money on more comfortable boots. Maybe they should just issue a boot voucher up to the price of USG issue and let us get what we want from the outset.
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Responses: 8
CSM Richard StCyr
Because we have to have a base line item to issue incoming troops and boots in stock as replacements for extended deployments and combat resupply. Also the basic issue boot has been through testing and the developmental process to ensure it is as durable as possible for as little cost as possible. The commercial boots don't get the same level of, or volume / mass of testing. (not economical for industry)
As a young Soldier at Ft Hunter Liggett in the old Combat Development Experimentation Command and later in life as SGM for the Capability Development Integration Directorate we did numerous tests on boots, uniforms, MOPP suits, helmets, tools, vehicles and a ton of other stuff to prove or disprove it's viability. Read that as road marches, field exercises and various combat simulations. Much of the stuff PEO Soldier and ERDIC do now.
There is a ton of things that go into the procurement of our equipment, Soldiers get a tough, decent product that can be provided at a reasonable cost based on volume purchases, the voucher you would receive would not enable you to get the really nice boots without any out of pocket expense but lock you ( read that as Soldiers) into the price range of the issued item.
1SG Vet Technician
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
This is a great explanation. Thank you.

I know that i see videos and read blogs from Soldiers who make suggestions based on experience. One former Ranger even went as far as to recommend certain brands for certain phases of Ranger School.

I know, even when I was running around as OC/T, and with limited wear as a reservist, I still liked the more comfortable boots.

However, I was also willing to foot the extra $180 for that comfort. I guess it just had to be a personal decision.

But, if so many Soldiers are willing to pay that expense, what does it say about the issued boots.?
CSM Richard StCyr
CSM Richard StCyr
7 y
1SG (Join to see) - Roger I too bought the best I could afford. But I also knew how to break my issue boots in so they would be comfortable. I think that, like many other bits of field craft have become lost and result in folks buying boots slapping them on and going; then wondering why they don't feel rite or cause trouble.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
6 y
1SG (Join to see) - You may be willing to "foot the extra $180 for that comfort..." But can the soldiers entrusted to your care afford to do so.

How can you judge what your men can or cannot do when they can't afford the advantages you can. If it isn't issue, it doesn't belong in a leaders kit.
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SGM Bill Frazer
Your comfort is not what is important to the service- Wear, durability, protection, environment range, etc. What will you do if deployed, and your boots die- can't DX them now can you.
1SG Vet Technician
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
Don't the authorized boots available through AAFES meet minimum requirements for safety and durability? I know there was an issue several years ago, but I believe that was addressed and corrected.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
7 y
1SG (Join to see) "Don't the authorized boots available through AAFES meet minimum requirements for safety and durability? "

NO, and never have, same for Eyepro and anything else..
It MIGHT meet the same specs, but its neither required or often does.

Military clothing sales is the same,,,, you can get officially sanctioned gear there, and in every one, you can also but items not authorized for wear. Boot, Eyepro, other uniform items.

Its been an issue since the dame I came in till the day I retired . But AAFES and Military clothing and sales are not obligated or prohibited from selling non authorized items, and they will market and sell what people want to buy..
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Capt Daniel Goodman
So there'd be a reason for podiatry...kind like high heeled shoes, LOL....
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