Posted on May 16, 2018
Does anyone have any experience being Army/Air Force dual military?
My husband is currently active duty enlisted Air Force and I am looking to join the Army as an active duty officer. Does anyone have any experience with being army/air force dual mil?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
I knew an AF Army couple in Korea. They volunteered and got co-located at Camp Humphreys where she was in an AF Communications Squadron and he was the Army Provost Martial. You will have to work at it. There is no Joint Married couples program. You can not depend on Joint domicile. This is the same for all married military couples, but being in the same branch at least increases the possibility of living together. I know the Army has a married couples program. It is not a guarantee and there will be tradeoffs you and your husband would have to make.
Working at will have to engage your branch manager at HRC and your husband will have to engage their equivalent at the AF personnel level. Being willing to take assignments at undesirable locations that facilitate a joint domicile for you both. Short tours. Deployments. You'll also have to keep your careers on tracking with key and developmental assignments so you both stay competitive while leaving room for or accepting risk by taking a neutral assignment so one or the other can get the key and developmental experience. Occasionally you will need to take separate assignments. Maybe you maximize the separation by hitting a key career gate for each of you, then get something together on the back end. Professional Military Education (PME) may be this way too, with less flexibility on when you go, especially as an officer. You get one shot at CGSC/ILE. You get one shot at command (O3, O5, O6). KD time as a major.
What branch are you going to be commissioned in? What is your husband's career field?
Working at will have to engage your branch manager at HRC and your husband will have to engage their equivalent at the AF personnel level. Being willing to take assignments at undesirable locations that facilitate a joint domicile for you both. Short tours. Deployments. You'll also have to keep your careers on tracking with key and developmental assignments so you both stay competitive while leaving room for or accepting risk by taking a neutral assignment so one or the other can get the key and developmental experience. Occasionally you will need to take separate assignments. Maybe you maximize the separation by hitting a key career gate for each of you, then get something together on the back end. Professional Military Education (PME) may be this way too, with less flexibility on when you go, especially as an officer. You get one shot at CGSC/ILE. You get one shot at command (O3, O5, O6). KD time as a major.
What branch are you going to be commissioned in? What is your husband's career field?
Sara Frink
He's currently a crew chief, but he's going to be trying to cross train into a different career field in a few months. I am still in the researching phase of trying to figure out if we could make it work before I apply to commission through the Army
LTC Jason Mackay
So which Army branch are you trying to earn a commission in? Look where installations are and what units are there. You have to match a unit to a slot to your situation.
Get him to come over from the "dark side". (Hopefully this will be recognized for humor.)
Sara Frink
Lolol he briefly thought about that, but the AF tends to be a bit more cushy which he enjoys hahaha
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