Posted on May 10, 2018
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Edit 2: This issue was resolved and we got the orders and she got pinned - 4 months ago.

This might be a stupid question - but we don't get a lot of Army junior enlisted at my unit so I haven't dealt with this in a long time. We just got a new SPC who got picked up for SGT on 1 May. But she hasn't been pinned yet. I am not in her operational chain - I talked to them they said she has no promotion orders from her last unit but she is getting paid as a SGT. Would our J1 have to issue orders or can we just pin her without them? We want to get her pinned tomorrow (she should have just done it on her way here in my opinion). I thought you could print orders off HRC but that seems to be just for SFC. I haven't heard back from our Army SEL yet and was going to check my stuff to see what I have from my SGT promotion. It seems if she's already getting paid then someone in her last unit must have issued orders and sent them to DFAS - she just doesn't have a copy. Our Army admin person is clearing so there's no one in J1 who can look any Army admin stuff up.

Edit: The unit we are in is a joint unit - on an Air Force base. We don't have S1 or BNs or BDEs. Just our J1 and our Army admin person is clearing. I just wanted to make sure if her last unit issued them before she PCSed but I doubt it. We may have to issue them. I just didn't want to double tap.
Posted in these groups: Star Promotions
Edited 6 y ago
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Responses: 10
SSG Dale London
You should not have to go to J1 for orders (they'll mess them up anyway). Try HHC or your parent BN S1/PAC - If her LES shows her as an E-5 it's a straightforward query of her digital 2-1 and both SGT and SSG promotion orders can be done at Battalion level. You have to go higher when you get to the DA selected promotions but E-5 and E-6 are done on points so no biggie.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
We are in a joint unit. We don't have a BN or BDE or any of that. Our admin is J1. Mid month LES don't show pay grade. Her ERB isn't updated with it. So I don't think her last unit did them.

SFC promotion orders are posted on HRC fyi.
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SGM Bill Frazer
Your J1 needs to check with her old unit- if she made it- your J1 can cut the orders, and you can hold her ceremony.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
She's on the by name list for May.
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SFC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
Also have her check OMPF. Mine were up loaded by my unit with out me submitting them to them
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