Posted on Jan 9, 2014
SSG Christopher Freeman
I am curious as to what you hold closest to you in regards to your military service. For me, it was Air Assault School. I was with highly motivated Soldiers and two Airmen. We helped each other out, no matter what the task. When we were getting smoked, we did it as a team. It was also a pride thing. It was the first class at Bragg, so the pressure was high, but that pushed me to perform even better. 
Posted in these groups: Acheiving Achievement
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Responses: 23
SSG Kevin McCulley
Saving the life of a child in Iraq. 
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LTC Paul Heinlein
Number #1- When I was a Captain, a Staff Sergeant Squad Leader who was not in my current unit, but was a Private in my Platoon when I was a Platoon Leader came up to me and thanked for making him "do his job" when he was in my platoon and he then said I was the "only PL in my career that had done so".

Number#2- As a Company Commander, when a former SGT in my unit thanked me for helping him get into USC. Back story, due to an incident, I had recommended him for a Field Grade Article 15. The night before we were to go in front of the Battalion CDR, I sat up with him most of the night helping him prepare for his defense, because he was accepting responsibility for his actions. The next day, he successfully survived the FG Art 15, with everything suspended except the off duty restriction to quarters. Since we were deployed at the time, the restriction did not really mean anything. After the Art 15 Proceedings, he asked me to help him write his essay for his application to USC and also to write him a letter of recommendation, which I did. Six months or so after the deployment, after he had ets'd, he sent me a letter letting me know he had got accepted for attendance at USC.

Number#3- When I was a Lieutenant. A former Private in my Platoon who was from NY State and I had really worked hard to get Chapter-ed out of the Army for misconduct and sent home to NY, came back to California on his own six months later and tracked me down to thank me for "finally setting him strait and getting him to see what he was doing to his life so that he could fix it for the better". Of Course, when I initially recognized him and saw that he was walking directly at me with a dedicated purpose, my first thought was he was about to "kick my butt"! At the time, I was 5'8" a buck 170 and he was 6'3" and 230-240 range.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
10 y
LTC Paul Heinlein Those are things that I would view as real accomplishments. Putting someone on the path to succeeding, whatever their calling may be, especially if it means taking the hard road to get there is what I see as a true accomplishment.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
LTC Paul Heinlein That was a truly awesome thing that you did and perhaps and seeing by his work that he had a lot of potential. Good to see that.
CMSgt Robert Gates
CMSgt Robert Gates
10 y
Number #1 - Mentoring is such a wonderful program. I mentored an outstanding female MSgt Crew chief who eventually became our squadron First Sergeant. We had two training UTAs and she selected me to be acting First Sergeant on the second UTA. She was such a devoted First Sergeant, always putting the squadron members first. She ultimately was selected as the Wing Command Chief. I could not have been prouder of her accomplishments. We are both retired but remain close friends long distance through social media, e-mails and phone calls.

Number #2 - When I was selected to make Chief, I became the squadron Safety NCOIC. Being in aircraft maintenance on the C-5 there were numerous areas that members could get hurt severely. During the three years as being the Safety NCOIC, our squadron received no less than Outstanding Rating on all Safety Inspections from Wing and Numbered Air Force.

Number #3 - Assisted in developing and leading the Wing's Newcomer Flight where newly assigned members to the Wing received all common ancillary training before being released to individual squadrons.

Number #4 - Being selected to achieve and earn the rank of Chief Master Sergeant. I was able to use my rank to help those in lower ranks to achieve their goals as a service member, squadron, wing, numbered Air Force and the USAF Reserves. What a pleasure to look back now at those who achieved so much.

Number #5 - Being selected as a Senior NCO Leadership Facilitator for Senior NCOs in the three numbered Air Forces in the Air Force Reserves. I was able to travel all over the United States facilitating leadership classes at different Reserve Wings.
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SSgt Tim Ricci
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
4 y
Love that 20!
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