During Urban Ops training being conducted during BCT, is it permissible for the Co XO (male) to punch to punch a female IET soldier in the face? This happened to one of my NCOs younger cousins and they are seeking guidance? The Co Commander has contacted the female IET soldier's parents advising them NOT to press charges. According to TRADOC regs was the XOs action acceptable? I don't mean to bother anyone or step on any toes, I just wanted to help a good NCO who has always taken care of his soldiers.
PV2 William Parker
PV2 William Parker
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Like SSG Tim Everett stated, physically striking a Soldier isn't tolerated. However, we used to role play scenarios practicing subduing angry crowds and civil disobedience in our urban ops training. Our role players would give moderate résistance to being searched or detained. to being In these events, occasionally there would be incidental contact
Nevertheless, the incident should be investigated
Nevertheless, the incident should be investigated
SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
They do go out the way to protect and shield the IET Soldiers like rare China or the last of bottle of water on Earth
PV2 William Parker, it is NEVER ok to make any negative contact to a soldier, EVER! The only time a Drill Sergeant should put hands on a soldier is if it is to ensure the safety and livelihood of others. On the matter that you brought up about the CO speaking to the trainee's parents, I would not jump to any conclusions. However, the Army, especially in TRADOC, will take care of the punishment for the XO. But do yourself a favor and just stay clear of it and llow the investigation that I am sure is going on take its course.
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