Posted on Apr 3, 2018
SPC Zach Fry
I'm going to be talking to a recruiter in the next week or two. I've done a lot of research about the army life and the MOS that I want, enough to not be lied to about a lot of things regarding my future career.

I've heard of bad experiences with recruiters so I'm a bit hesitant about going to one thus far. I've heard that you can get 11x in your contract but not specifically 11B in most cases - which is fine. How easy would it be to get an airborne slot in my contract with this specific MOS? If there are none available, should I wait to enlist? How long do you think I would have to wait? What happens after airborne school? What jobs do I qualify for after accomplishing airborne?

Is there any more tips or information regarding my MOS that I should know, which a recruiter may not tell me about?
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Responses: 25
SGT James Young
Here’s a thought. Just fucking do it. As soon as you have that blue cord. Panties will drop.
SSG Will Phillips
SSG Will Phillips
>1 y
Hell yeah!
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All the Way!
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SGM Bill Frazer
1. There are always horror stories about recruiters. 2. It's on you to make sure your paperwork is setup to get you what you want. 3. Son there is a whole damn division of Airborne 11B's at Fort Bragg- it's called the 82nd Abn Div, and we can normally always use fresh meat. The contract is for 11X- that's 11B/11C. Either one after airborne- if you pass- will have you doing normal 11 series duties in your unit. Jobs? THERE ARE NO DAMN "JOBS" in the Army! There are duty slots, and MOS's- A job is 9-5, duties are till they are completed in the manner which they are assigned!
SPC Zach Fry
SPC Zach Fry
>1 y
Thanks for the information! Understood about "Jobs" - thanks.
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Best answer yet
CSM Charles Hayden
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SPC David Willis
I don't believe you can get 11B in your contract ever it'll always show 11x which will usually become 11b after osut, but can become 11c if the army needs hangers and bangers. Its fairly common to see 11x get AB school in their contract, but it just depends on needs of the army and what happens. You should have your designator (B or C) before even hitting AB school, so once you graduate you'll go to your unit which wont always be an AB unit, but hopefully will be. As far as qualifying for any other jobs it wont really open any doors to you other than being able to serve on jump status (to my knowledge) but it will let you be on line units of the 82nd which usually have more slots available for things like pathfinder, ranger or other hooah schools.
SPC Zach Fry
SPC Zach Fry
>1 y
Thanks for the info!
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