Where is the complete list of all Army officer jobs?
A better question is where is the list for all new 2LT's branches. Certainly within each branch there is a myriad of individual officer jobs, but since that isn't up to any LT to decide what they actually do, they just get to hope for a specific branch. You'll find that list here https://www.goarmy.com/rotc/careers.html
Once you are looking at a field grade position, what we call Branch qualified (post company command for most) there are thousands of options that open up ranging from foreign area officers, major systems acquisitions, inter agency placements, and astronauts.
Good luck.

List of United States Army careers - Wikipedia
Enlisted soldiers are categorized by their assigned job called a Military Occupational Specialty or MOS are labeled with a short alphanumerical code called a military occupational core specialty code (MOSC), which consists of a two-digit number appended by a Latin letter. Related MOSs are grouped together by Career Management Fields (CMF). For example, an enlisted soldier with MOSC 11B works as an infantryman (his MOS), and is part of CMF 11...
The new 2LT branches are the Army's core branches, those are on the goarmy.com website link. Most of those are open to any new 2LT others considered the professional corps have unique entry requirements, lawyers, chaplains, doctors, all of which require an advanced degree before you can submit to commission in their branches. I enlisted finance, commissioned as an Engineer, became a project manager, then submitted for the 51C contracting functional area. I've been happy doing so, but I do miss doing the fun Army stuff that is rare in the acquisition corps (but about the same as finance was)

List of United States Army careers - Wikipedia
Enlisted soldiers are categorized by their assigned job called a Military Occupational Specialty or MOS are labeled with a short alphanumerical code called a military occupational core specialty code (MOSC), which consists of a two-digit number appended by a Latin letter. Related MOSs are grouped together by Career Management Fields (CMF). For example, an enlisted soldier with MOSC 11B works as an infantryman (his MOS), and is part of CMF 11...
So what you need the list for?