Posted on Jan 28, 2018
SPC Benjamin Norman
A list that includes ALL Army officer jobs such as FA 59 (Army Strategist). Searched the internet and could not find, thank you for your help.
Posted in these groups: General of the army rank insignia Officer
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Responses: 4
MAJ Contracting Officer
Well first off the complete list is regularly changing so you won't ever find an accurate complete list. A good list can be found on Wikipedia

A better question is where is the list for all new 2LT's branches. Certainly within each branch there is a myriad of individual officer jobs, but since that isn't up to any LT to decide what they actually do, they just get to hope for a specific branch. You'll find that list here

Once you are looking at a field grade position, what we call Branch qualified (post company command for most) there are thousands of options that open up ranging from foreign area officers, major systems acquisitions, inter agency placements, and astronauts.
Good luck.
SPC Benjamin Norman
SPC Benjamin Norman
7 y
Sir, thank you so much for the detailed answer. So once you are branch qualified, can you choose any FA you'd like? Are they dependent on your original branch? What do you mean by "new" 2LT branches, are they different then the ones on the link you posted?
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
7 y
You need to request accessions into the functional area, most you submit a packet and the highest qualified officers are selected, other's they select you. For the most part they do not have original branch requirements, but I'd guess there are some exceptions to this, none that I personally know, as officer's are supposed to be generalists, not detail subject matter experts (NCO and Warrant realms)
The new 2LT branches are the Army's core branches, those are on the website link. Most of those are open to any new 2LT others considered the professional corps have unique entry requirements, lawyers, chaplains, doctors, all of which require an advanced degree before you can submit to commission in their branches. I enlisted finance, commissioned as an Engineer, became a project manager, then submitted for the 51C contracting functional area. I've been happy doing so, but I do miss doing the fun Army stuff that is rare in the acquisition corps (but about the same as finance was)
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SPC Benjamin Norman - see DA PAM 600-3 and look for Career Field Designation Board. That is the process to get into a Functional Area such as FA59
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COL Charles Williams
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SPC Eric Davis
Like be more specific cause if you are in the army you basically do every job except the jobs you have to have a license for! Being an officer you just don’t habe one job title forever unless you are like a lawyer, Dr, physcolist or pilot which require more than just a degree!

So what you need the list for?
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