Posted on Jan 7, 2018
SSG Instructor/Writer
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Responses: 17
CPT Physical Therapist
Edited 7 y ago
It depends on unit policy. When I ETS'ed lots of folks told me 60 was the max you could take but there was nothing in writing so I submitted a request for 89 or so days of leave and it was approved. On top of getting out of the Army and going back to school I was helping plan our wedding so the extra paid vacation was very nice to have.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
7 y
CPT (Join to see) over 60 requires the BN CDR to sign.
CPL Any Jim
CPL Any Jim
>1 y
When i was ets'ing , i had submitted for 119 days of terminal leave at the beginning of may along with my transition packet ! I was approaved at platoon level . platoon kept telling me with out me asking that my transistion packet was at commanders office & should be in next few days at the transition office for orders to be created ! Come to find out , on may 28th my platoon had not even sent my packet out of the platoon . Had to request Commanders open door policy , to get my packet up to the company . Of course platoon sgt used 1st sgts open door policy on 13 of june .... My terminal leave form an packet was turned in on may 10th , & now 30 days later packet has still not left platoon . company head block leave scheduled from june 1st till the 28th of june . 13th of june 1sgt open door policy was allowed . platoon sgt told 1sgt , i had i bad issue about amount of leave i was allowed ! Let 1sgt know i was approaved at plt level for all days of leave , that they just have not forward my packet that was completed may 10th . 1sgt said oh ' an she needed more time to process leave form an gave me a new terminal leave date . plt terminal leave was approaved for june 26th ' now new terminal leave date july 2nd. Asked if i could just submit block leave 1sgt sayed need 7 - 10 business days to approave/deny leave , & 2nd half of block leave starts tomorrow so to late to submit paperwork for block leave ! Lmaooooo !!! Double standard ? Atleast 7 - 10 business days for leave to be submitted , but leave submitted over 30 days : dont have to give a response if approaved/denied ? Wow ... Sept 30 came still had no orders , an with start of fiscal year nx day an use/lose lost 30 days of use lose leave. Ets date oct 19 ' oct 14 packet was finally submitted . ets orders created with date of oct 16, 20×× .... Cleared in 3 days : sold 60 days of leave & dont know what really happen to other 29 days ? Who has a better story than that ' lose 30 days of use/lose days 19 days before ets & at time of ets sell 60 days of leave : than lose another 29 days ! Any 1 has a better story than this ill buy you lunch !
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SGT Communications Rep
You should get your 84 days; however, most BCs only approve 60 in my experience with soldiers ETSing. Regardless I would push for all 84 because you earned those days and they’re there to help you get set up elsewhere to transition. Good luck!
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PO3 Bob Fetters
I was allowed to take 60 days for leave and sold back the rest
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