Posted on Nov 10, 2014
MSG Parachute Rigger
I joined rally point due to a few good inquiries someone posted on FACEBOOK. Just like every forum, seems people like to air out dirty laundry. Why do people bash the corps. I see SSG saying that Csm are here to gripe about grass. Not one, but a few!!!. I see juniors complaining about how NCOs get slapped on the wrist for infractions. How we don't deserve benefits. How we should imprison a career soldier for a stupid infraction. How csm aren't needed. What ever happened to loyalty?!

Why are you people so busy trying to eat your own. I joined rally point to get some good advice/mentorship from the people in here. I don't get mentored by only those higher in grade than I, but by all. I listen to problems, form an opinion and relay my response. I try not to be judgemental and cast stones.

What are you here for. If all it is to do is to complain how bad crap is, well, I think I made a mistake by joining.

Don't get me wrong, I love the comedic responses, but those are followed with an lol so we know you're kidding.

IMPROVE YOUR FOXHOLE. quit tearing down the walls that it took our predecessors so long to build. Quit taking us backwards. Heated discussions are grand and I get to see all points of view. But airing laundry, and bashing the corps, well, that's just garbage.
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Responses: 29
CW5 Desk Officer
Edited >1 y ago
Amen to what Col (Join to see) said. I like your post as well, MSG (Join to see). Especially the part about improving your foxhole. What great advice!

Last night I stumbled into a discussion about religion, and wow! People got sucked into (or maybe they went in with their eyes open?) personal attacks, down voting, vindictiveness. I left there quickly, because I don't see much good coming from that.

I agree with you that we can all learn from each other - I have already learned a lot on RallyPoint.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
I do my best to avoid those also...I answered one about beards & tubans once and got bashed because I used the words "Religion" and "special interest" in the same sentence. Those threads are for people who want them, I suppose, but I'm not one of them....not often anyway.
1SG Eoc Ops Coordinator / Ga Certified Emergency Manager
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
Head up...eyes constantly moving....pick your steps to avoid the mine fields placed here by idiots; those who feel only their opinion can be right; and those who are not open to hearing a differning opinion.. You will learn who they are PDQ.
CW5 Desk Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
10 y
SFC Jack S., I'm just doing my job as a member admin, checking things out, trying to make RallyPoint the best site it can be. As for down votes ... I've been on the site for eight months and I'm sure I have not down-voted even five times. I'm very careful about that, but that's just my personal "standard." Others have different ideas about down-voting, and that's fine. The "guidance" is that it's common courtesy to explain a down vote. I don't think down votes should be used as some sort of weapon (again, personal opinion). The idea is to remain professional and give our opinions on topics or questions.

As far as member admins go ... I agree with you that we should be setting the standard for professionalism in our posts. We're here to try to make RallyPoint a better place. From correcting obvious mistakes we see to watching out for spoil sports who seem to be spoiling for a verbal "fight" for no apparent reason to merging duplicate discussions ... and on and on. We don't have super powers, but we are charged with certain tasks. If you haven't looked at the member admin "rights," check out this page:

I'm very proud to be a member admin. It's something I aspired to be as soon as I learned what it was. And I'm trying my best to be a good member admin. I believe that's likely true of most, if not all, member admins.
Brad Miller
Brad Miller
5 y
SFC Jack S - I very much like the (suggestion?) that if you are going to down-vote, you'd better have a REASON for it!
Disagree with someone? That's life, get over it. Smack someone? Better have a good reason!
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Col Squadron Commander
Edited >1 y ago
Unfortunately there will always be the few folks will can't resist any open opportunity to stir the pot and create controversy. With that in mind, I choose to respond to postings that do not add fuel to that fire. I answered one controversial post and just got sucked in to the negativity. So I now choose more wisely. Also, there are some folks who cannot respect the thoughts of others who may disagree with them. Respect folks for their differences of opinions and for the person they are.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Col (Join to see) Sir exactly the same reason I am now choosing not to get involved in some discussions. Some of those fires are just a little to hot.
PO3 Camille Romero
PO3 Camille Romero
>1 y
Kudos to you, Col (Join to see)! What wisdom! I have taken that same approach. I do not wish to debate 'til the death! I will comment, but pretty much know when to agree to disagree and bow out!
PO3 Camille Romero
PO3 Camille Romero
10 y
...alright...I just got in a hot bed of debate today and let it get the best of me....oh, boy....
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COL Randall C.
Edited 10 y ago
MSG (Join to see), as with all things, you're going to get the good, the bad, and the ugly. No matter what forum is used for communications, you are always going to have that percentage of participants that aren't acting in a professional manner (see a recent discussion thread by LTC (Join to see) on the decline of professionalism in the military (

There is a LOT of great information on RallyPoint, but just as when you're traveling in unfamiliar territory, you have to keep know where to step and avoid being mired down (we've all been sucked into 'THAT' conversation at one time or another).

One of the best categories that RP started was the "Command Post" topic area. A lot more of the professional discussions are starting to appear here (perfect example is GEN (ret) Casey's recent post about 6 Keys to a Successful Transition (

Alternatively, there are many that really enjoy the free flow discussions ( and the informal interaction by all.
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