Posted on Dec 12, 2017
Where can I find PCS orders from previous assignments?
I am in the process of updating my records and realized that all my orders from my previous overseas assignments are no longer in my OMPF. Has anyone been able to retrieve lost or missing orders? What are your recommendations? Any experience in the subject will be appreciated.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
You can write previous units and installations to see if they have copies in the coff files. I don't remember if they stayed on file for 2 or 5 years before being destroyed. Another source is your ERB, that will have your previous units and dates served, not as good as orders but an official record non the less. I recommend getting a clean copy from PAC yearly and keeping a hard copy on file. Other valid sources to prove service are awards and NCOERs. Other than that, if there isn't a copy in your OMPF it's pretty hard to recreate previous assignment orders.
You should be maintaining a personal records folder with copies of your orders and significant awards (an I love me book). The one thing about digital permanence is that it seems the only things that will remain forever are anything vaguely derogatory or humorous, anything you will need for a valid purpose will be eaten by the digital moths and lost forever.
You should be maintaining a personal records folder with copies of your orders and significant awards (an I love me book). The one thing about digital permanence is that it seems the only things that will remain forever are anything vaguely derogatory or humorous, anything you will need for a valid purpose will be eaten by the digital moths and lost forever.
MSG (Join to see)
Roger. I noticed the ERB was missing in section I my tour to Hawai'i. As I contacted S1 to provide my orders as proof of the tour, the S1 said that will not touch the ERB unless I provide copies of all my overseas assignments. Some how, I do not have any copies to my two tours in Germany. All other sets of orders I have multiple copies. Is like the ones I need are the one's missing. My records were straight on January, I cannot understand how things just disappear from the records.
Roger. I noticed the ERB was missing in section I my tour to Hawai'i. As I contacted S1 to provide my orders as proof of the tour, the S1 said that will not touch the ERB unless I provide copies of all my overseas assignments. Some how, I do not have any copies to my two tours in Germany. All other sets of orders I have multiple copies. Is like the ones I need are the one's missing. My records were straight on January, I cannot understand how things just disappear from the records.
CSM Richard StCyr
MSG (Join to see) - Another source I remembered is finance, they will have a record of payments and may be able to source order numbers for moves and PCS payments. We used this once to document / verify a Soldiers combat tour that had come under question as finance had record of the hazardous duty/ imminent danger payment.
I can't stress enough to young troops the importance of maintain a hard copy file of service documents.
I personally encountered this with my foreign awards, thankfully I had copies and was able to fix it. After that I started annotating anything like that as NCOER bullets for my Soldiers and encouraged the 1SGs and Company Commanders to do the same. Nothing says Johnny earned that badge like having the signatures of senior leaders verifying the NCOERs accuracy. Might not help your situation now but something you can do to help troops later.
I can't stress enough to young troops the importance of maintain a hard copy file of service documents.
I personally encountered this with my foreign awards, thankfully I had copies and was able to fix it. After that I started annotating anything like that as NCOER bullets for my Soldiers and encouraged the 1SGs and Company Commanders to do the same. Nothing says Johnny earned that badge like having the signatures of senior leaders verifying the NCOERs accuracy. Might not help your situation now but something you can do to help troops later.
MSG (Join to see)
CSM Richard StCyr thanks for your advice. I have been able to justify the tour with other official documents. I really appreciate your time and help in this matter. One of the reasons why I like Rally Point, we can reach out for help.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.
MSG (Join to see)
Yes, until January of this year everything was in IPERMS. I was checking my SRB yesterday and realized in Section I is missing one OCONUS assignment and all orders are not in OMPF anymore. Not sure why.
Have your S1 or G1 Check IWS. In IWS you can also check your assignment history, this will give you exact dates.
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