Posted on Jan 1, 2014
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
A "bucket list" is a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket. Yesterday, I crossed another activity off of my bucket list and it got me to wondering what others have on their lists.

Bucket lists are ever-changing but as of now, here are my top 5 remaining to be done: 

 1) Plant a tree
 2) See Antarctica 
 3) Get bucked off of a bronco 
 4) Attend a high school reunion
 5) List 10 things that I'm grateful for, every day for one month 

If you don't have a bucket list, I highly recommend creating one. It's motivational, fun, and can upgrade life's more mundane experiences.

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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 12
SSG V. Michelle Woods
I found my bucket list a few days ago! Lol good stuff.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
Did you have a crush on a Swedish Man 9 years ago or something?
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Haha ok, let me clarify...

I want to hug a LIVING bear, preferably a polar bear but I'll take what I can get lol. MSG Huffman, I have been hugged by men who are the size of a bear haha. It's not the same!

NG=National Geographic. I collect them and I have 643 so far. My profile pic is from me going to the holy grail of places for me which is the Nat Geo Museum :)

Charles, to finish all but one thing on your list is actually pretty stellar! Good job man!

1SG Blount, I think seeing an iceberg is an awesome one!

SPC Thundercloud, CPT Brooks, jag ar svenska! (I am Swedish) lol, my daddy is a purebred Swede so that is why I l have a love for Sweden. I wanted to marry a Swedish man because I figured they'd have a kingdom for me.
Yeah...I said it...A KINGDOM lol.

SFC Wayman, that is so cool! As for me, I found out Swedish men wear skinny jeans so I won't be marrying one of them lol.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
10 y
SSG V. Michelle Woods Your list is great, but do us all a favor and BE CAREFUL with that bear hug thing.
MSG Psychological Operations Specialist
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
kick someone's
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LTC Program Manager
Raise my kids to be successful adults
Work a job because I want to (not because I have to)
Take the family on an RV trip.
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir, those are great ideas.  I think I may add some of those on my bucket list.  Thanks for sharing.
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CPT Student
1) Write a book
2) Backpack across Europe
3) Fly a helicopter
4) Be in a movie
5) Be fluent in 5 languages
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y

Those are some very challenging goals and you're a true inspiration! Thanks for sharing.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
Very noble list Cadet Hastings. I am still trying to master the English language. I begin learning Arabic this fall, I figure it will take the rest of my life to become proficient with it. Good luck to you.
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
9 y
I speak five suggestion is to start learning similar languages. French was easier because of learning Spanish. My other suggestion is immersion..and that's how I became fluent in German (marrying one of them didn't hurt either).

Czech was a bitch and a half. I don't recommend Slavic languages unless you're a glutton for punishment.
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