Posted on Oct 31, 2017
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Responses: 11
LTC Kevin B.
Basically, yes. However, if you live in the barracks, you can't keep them in your room (the unit will dictate where you keep them, and normally that's in the arms room). If you live in housing, you can normally keep them with you. Some bases may have slightly different rules though.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
Living overseas can throw a kink in that. Germany, the USAREUR official answer is no, but reality is you have to do the German registration, training, and other cheetah flips. You can find out more a the levy brief when you get the assignment.
SGT Tim. Wilson
SGT Tim. Wilson
5 y
LTC Jason Mackay During the ‘80s stationed in Germany, in base housing or off base, you had to keep any personal firearms in your units arms room. That was as an MP. Still had to jump through all the authorization hoops but...
1LT Voyle Smith
1LT Voyle Smith
>1 y
When I lived in the off-post BO Q in Wiesbaden in the mid-‘70s, I kept a Walther PP in the night stand beside the bed. The regs said it should be stored on post in the MP arms room, but I said BS on that and rolled the dice that I wouldn’t get caught. We had a little problem called the Bader -Meinhof gang running loose; they and the Red Brigade and the Red Army Faction were all good reasons to take my chances with the regs.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PV2 J M Lots of Them but You Have to Keep it in the Armory at Least You Had to when I Served. And it is a Pain in the Ass to Check Out Your Own Weapon.
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SGT Matthew S.
Edited >1 y ago
Yes, in the Army, with your Commander's approval and in the Arms Room unless you don't live in the barracks. When I was at Ft Riley, the Post also required you to have a form signed by your CO and the firearm(s) registered with the Post BEFORE you brought it through the front gate.

I learned that the hard way as I didn't know that and bought something at a gun show; stored it with a buddy who lived in married housing. Got the form signed by the CO & went to register it with the Post... and they were *not* very happy with me.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
My brother, a career Marine, was assigned to the I & I staff of a USMC Reserve unit in New York. He owned several pistols, which he brought with him. He went to the local police with a list of the makes, models, and serial numbers to register them, as required by the %^&$ law in New York.
He was asked where those guns were presently stored. He replied they were in the arms room of the Reserve Center -- Federal property beyond the jurisdiction of any local or state authorities.
Then he was asked "How were they transported there?"
He answered "By Federal government courier", another out of jurisdiction for the locals.
He did not mention that he was the courier, since he was transporting his orders and personnel folder to his new duty station.
The storage of the guns "in the arms room" was a little vague. It was a sort of annex to the Reserve Center arms room he had in his civilian quarters.
You can imagine the injustice that would have been done in the name of "Public Safety" if they knew where the guns were, and how they got there.
SGT Matthew S.
SGT Matthew S.
>1 y
I think the "courier" is my favorite part. If you're not cheating, you're not trying right?
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
>1 y
SGT Matthew S. - Cheating? I call it a polite way of telling someone who wants to curtail your constitutional rights "under color of law" that it is none of his concern.
SGT Matthew S.
SGT Matthew S.
>1 y
CW3 Harvey K. - I wholeheartedly agree. My "cheating" remark was in reference to his creativity in skirting the state's attempts to curtail his rights.
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