Posted on Oct 3, 2017
If I caught a military member wearing the wrong rank (he is an E-3 and I caught him not wearing any rank), what UCMJ would that fall under?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 275
Did you ask him why he wasn't wearing any rank? Why is it that you are trying to "Blue Falcon" this person rather than help him get right? A good leader seeks to improve those around him or her, not punish them.
SSG Jason Penn
Maj Major Ted C. Mc Neel Sr. USMC Retired - I know that sir, Army a SGT is E-5, a SSG is E-6; in the Marines, Sgt is E-5, SSgt is E-6; ine the Air Force, Sgt is E-4, Ssg is E-5; in the Navy, PO3 is E-4, PO2 is E-5, and PO1 is E-6. It short, tell me something I don't know... The topic of this thread is about the Air Force, so I don't know why you had to feel that you had to "educate" me on Marine ranks.
Sgt Maria Gauthier-Love
Wait!!! "Get him right"... no, he went through book camp and should have known better. NO EXCUSE!
Sounds like a uniform violation, and SFC (Join to see) has the references. I have "caught" my own guys violating uniform, and it's almost always an honest mistake, and easily solved with an on-the-spot correction. If they are your peers, you should inform them to help them, so they don't get caught by the 1st Sgt or the Chief. Try to be helpful. If they don't want help, OK. Let it pass. You are not the command chain. I wouldn't advocate for you to snitch on him, and if he chooses to continue to violate uniform, he WILL be caught.
SFC Terry Wilcox
SPC Merle Jantz - And I was stood at attention for what seemed a lifetime as the commander leveled my ears for all the wrong doings of two of my co-workers (that out ranked me) when he was finished, he brought in my boss and asked me why there was such a difference in production every three days (these were the days when we had an excess of troops in my unit, worked one day on two off). Trying to be real and not put IT on the other two - I asked which days were the GOOD days? To find out those were the days I had worked - the commander then blew me away with his next order - telling my boss that I was to be in charge of the other two - OH - hey - wait a minute sir, they outrank me I said, - My sergeant took off my rank pins and handed me hard strips saying NOW THEY DON'T. Staff sergeant for sure out ranks SP/6 - should have seen the faces of the other two when I showed up for work!
SPC John Richardson
A gentle reminder if you are the same rank, a bit of a more forceful response if you are of a higher rank, remind the airman of the appropriate regulations concerning uniforms - if he does not make an immediate correction maybe non-judicial punishment might be in order for being "out of uniform."
Sgt Maria Gauthier-Love
Every uniformed person has the responsibility to ensure the integrity of the uniform codes... I am old school here, but letting these infractions pass degrades the whole system.
SP5 Norman Urbat
What a Slobberglitchner!!! What would Jesus say??? Try to help your fellow man out!!!
Isn't that what you would expect in return???
Isn't that what you would expect in return???
I'd be more curious about why an E-3 is trying to get another E-3 in trouble for not wearing rank. Does he owe you money or something?
As for not wearing rank, most units or posts have some "guidance" that rank must be worn. That said, there are all sorts of caveats and exceptions for when rank is not worn depending on that person's unit of assignment or the activities they are doing. The ones I can think of all involve "field" uniforms as some units are authorized to wear sterile uniforms, or some school environments where students also wear sterile uniforms. Pin on rank (I know, not an Air Force issue) is also removed for certain types of training for safety issues.
As for not wearing rank, most units or posts have some "guidance" that rank must be worn. That said, there are all sorts of caveats and exceptions for when rank is not worn depending on that person's unit of assignment or the activities they are doing. The ones I can think of all involve "field" uniforms as some units are authorized to wear sterile uniforms, or some school environments where students also wear sterile uniforms. Pin on rank (I know, not an Air Force issue) is also removed for certain types of training for safety issues.
MAJ David Atkinson
I forgot to pin on my rank one morning and I was a 1LT at the time. My SGM ragged me all day. But, no one died.
SFC Kevin Smith
I love that everyone is referring to military members as E-3, E-4s...That is a pay grade, not a rank. Respect the rank and not the pay grade, use the correct terms.
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