Posted on Jun 29, 2017
I have Medicare part A & B. I get part A for free but charged $134.0 mo for part B. Do I really need part B since I have VA Medical care ?
Responses: 7
In theory you don't but if you are injured far from a VA Facility it will help. Medicare only covers 80% but when you get old enough, Tricare For Life will pick up the slack, and they require A&B. If you are married that is how you insure your spouse. It's expensive $134 x 2 for me but the TFL is Free
PO3 Ellsworth Allen Westgate
So the next question would be " Keep it or Cancel it" ? ... I was told by DAV officer the advantage to keep it "Now" is it will be a headache to restart and it may cost more and there maybe a restart fee or cancelation fee . But in my opinion I don't think I really need it and prefer to save that $134.00 DLs , maybe I should asked the SS officer ...! But thought Id see if anyone has had similar situation.

Suspended Profile
TFL only applies for retirees from the military. But there are definitely times when having Part B is good. If the VA doesn't have capacity for a certain specialty, they might assign you to Choice. The rub is that the provider network for Choice is very limited. However, the provider network for Medicare is very broad.
Plus, if you look at the Part C - Medicare Advantage plans, you may find some that have no copays for their network, which makes things very easy. My mother had a Part C plan and she loved it.
Plus, if you look at the Part C - Medicare Advantage plans, you may find some that have no copays for their network, which makes things very easy. My mother had a Part C plan and she loved it.
PO3 Ellsworth Allen Westgate, absolutely enroll for Part B! You never know when your circumstances may change and you may need it. As SSG Edward Tilton suggests, you must have it to get Tricare for Life. There are penalties for late enrollment that go up each year. SSG Trevor S.
PO3 Ellsworth Allen Westgate
You Nailed it ..LTC ..that's what the DAV rep suggested, just getting a second opinion ..Thanks
LTC Stephen C.
PO3 Ellsworth Allen Westgate, even if you're not eligible for TFL, you may wish to consider a Medicare Advantage (privatized Medicare) plan, if available in your area. Usually, you get all the features of Medicare Parts A, B & D (Rx) as well as the coverages normally provided by a Medicare supplement. Many times they're available at little or no additional premium (but for Part B). However, you MUST have Part B!
Get a Medicare healthcare professional to help you.
SSG Trevor S.
Get a Medicare healthcare professional to help you.
SSG Trevor S.
You should check if VA will be "first payer" when you're eligible for Medicare. TRICARE will only be second payer.
TRICARE for Life is available only for retired service members. They always pick up the 20% Medicare doesn't. Sweet deal! Also you have prescription drug coverage under TFL.
TRICARE for Life is available only for retired service members. They always pick up the 20% Medicare doesn't. Sweet deal! Also you have prescription drug coverage under TFL.
PO3 Ellsworth Allen Westgate
I didn't retire from time in service I retired from service connected injury 100% TP .. do I still quality for TRICare ? And I'm not familiar with TLF ?
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