Posted on Oct 7, 2014
SGT Team Leader
Dsc 0318
SSG Todd G. had me researching today. I have a Cabriolet convertible that I have decked out with stickers because I'm a dork. The cops call my little vehicle "the hippy car".
I've seen some great ones. What decals or stickers have you seen that like or despise?

Here's my beat up car in all its eclectic glory:
Posted in these groups: Vehicle Vehicle1024px smiley.svg Humor
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Responses: 11
Capt Richard I P.
I used to have a metal plaque bumper sticker EGA. Now I just keep it clear with a FL USMC plate. People don't need free intel on me in general, but the odds of me being pulled by a cop that like Marines is far greater than an AQ sympathizer scoping me out and trying his luck.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
10 y
Capt Richard Porter, I cannot resist the opportunity to say, I hope you retain your FL plates along with your valued, seasoned RP input in your upcoming adventure later in 2015
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
10 y
CSM Charles Hayden Thank you for your kind words, I hope to keep up engagement as the adventure continues, we will see how the time management shapes up.
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SFC Management
Just 2 on my vehicle. My Lifetime NRA sticker and Lifetime Natioanl Infantry Assoc sticker.
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SFC Walt Littleton
I enjoy reading bumper stickers and trying to figure out what hell someone is trying to spell on their license plate.

I was visiting my sister and her Army husband in Germany in 1973. I saved money and my parents bought the tickets for me to tour Europe as a graduation present.

Anyway, they had a 68 Mustang and of course the hippy movement was still kicking. I had bought large 8" colorful Dailey (flower power) decals and gave them to my sister when I arrived. We had fun placing them neatly all over that car. It was GROOVY MAN. One day we were driving to another base to he to a bigger PX/BX and just as we pulled into the parking space an MP pulled up behind us with his lights on.

He stated that the Flower Decals on her car were not appropriate and needed to be removed. He did give us a week to do it. He checked back and we had to prove we had removed them.

On the same trip another base and time I was wearing my fathers old Army Jacket. Not even standard ussue and very old. I was stopped again because I had LONG HAIR and I was wearing a military item. I was told to take off the jacket and take to our car and leave it there. I was a civilian and not authorized to wear any military clothing PERIOD.

Just sometimes that's the way it is!!!
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
10 y
SFC Walt Littleton, Ah, for the good old days when someone was in charge!
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