Posted on Jun 12, 2017
SFC Retention and Transition NCO (USAR)
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Responses: 15
SFC Caretaker
I was ready to take the civilian world on! Then I had my ass handed to me for being over qualified, over educated and over experienced!!! Never thought those could EVER stop me from getting a good job! But in the last eight years our economy couldn't afford people like me. Damn, even lawyers and business owners were trying to get work where they could. It was definitely hard times for those who were the gladiators of the work force.
Hopping Pres Trump can turn that around.
CPL Beth Allsop
CPL Beth Allsop
>1 y
I'm right there with you! SFC Mary Beaver, 3 degrees 15+ years of experience and the best I can do is work in hospitality which bareley keeps a roof over my head. It's a disgusting regulated world out there. In right to work states it's even harder to find meaningful employment! Let me know how your search goes and connect with me on linked in.
SFC Caretaker
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
CPL Beth Allsop, I'm
Actually looking to build a manufacturing company that only hires vets. After enough capital gain I want to start rehabbing closed military bases and turning those into working, living Veterans bases. So those having trouble acclimating to civilian life. It's a great vision as of now but a work in progress for sure. :) I know I'll have plenty of work available if your interested.
Just waiting to get my grants written :)
CPL Beth Allsop
CPL Beth Allsop
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) when your ready let me know! Sounds like a great project, just steer clear of Ft. McClellan, AL, too toxic, I don't ever want to go back there.
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SPC Margaret Higgins
SFC (Join to see):
Good Morning, Sergeant First Class!
My biggest fear after leaving the military: becoming homeless again.
By the grace of GOD: I was not homeless again; after leaving the military....My sister graciously took me in.
SGT James (Jimmy) Crone
SGT James (Jimmy) Crone
>1 y
Great to hear, i went homeless awhile, family didn't want anything to do with me until my parents needed help and my siblings wouldn't help so i took care of my parents till they died then i wad homeless again, thanks to a couple good friends i have a home now and happy
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
SGT James (Jimmy) Crone:
May GOD eternally bless you, Sergeant, for taking care of your parents.
I am just thrilled, Sergeant, that you have a home now; and, that you are happy!
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SSgt Ryan Sylvester
That's easy. Getting through the interview process. MEPS was less intrusive...
SGT Dave Tracy
SGT Dave Tracy
>1 y
"Less"?! Ahh MEPS. Can't say I've ever had a dour looking civilian HR bend down AND lean-in at satchel level (mustache tickle close or should I say "danger close") to meat-gaze as I do my business. Where have YOU been applying?!
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
>1 y
At least MEPS is honest about the whole "grab your ankles" bit!
SGT Dave Tracy
SGT Dave Tracy
>1 y
SSgt Ryan Sylvester - A good point.
SPC Steve Bright
SPC Steve Bright
>1 y
I went through Mel's at 41. I had to have a finger put up my ass and the doctor - I swear - almost forgot the loob and glove. Then he grabbed toothpaste out of his draw. No shit!
My job interviews typically involve 10-20 interviews for that one job. Those have been easier then having to watch the doc almost use no glove, toothpaste to finger my ass.
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