Posted on Sep 24, 2014
PO1 Steven Kuhn
Sharia law in america
I want to know whether anyone believes that Islam in America demanding Sharia Law will work in America with our Constitution and Bill of Rights. With the growing Muslim population (both legally and illegally) and all of the special treatment they get regarding their religion as compared to any other in America are you worried about whether our Constitution will survive?
Posted in these groups: Imgres ConstitutionIslam logo Islam
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Responses: 91
SSG Pete Fleming
Sharia Law is not compatible with the laws of nature much less in a 'civilized' society.
SPC Joseph Bagonis
SPC Joseph Bagonis
>1 y
Absolutely not
SPC Charles Griffith
SPC Charles Griffith
10 y
No and before anyone starts on me this is not a religious issue it is in fact a LAW issue. If anyone want's to try and toss out the First Amendment please READ it first.
SSG Cannon Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
i do not understand how it can be a 1st amendment issue. you must mean for the women who are not allowed the freedom of that a American woman has.
1px xxx
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>1 y
Sharia Law does not allow many things to be said that can be considered blasphemy.
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Maj Matt Hylton
Edited >1 y ago
Sharia Law is incompatible with democracy in general. Authoritarian rule works just fine for establishing laws based solely on religious principles. The US Constitution prohibits the making of any law establishing a national religion and many tenants of Sharia Law fly in the face of basic rights granted by our constitution.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl (Join to see), I can only hope so for the sake of every American. Because if it goes the other way, it's going to be an absolute disaster that I don't want to imagine.
SSG Water Treatment Nco
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
hell no.. not a chance in hell. If I cant have my religious rights in our own country then they DO NOT DESERVE theirs HERE either! We live in an age in time where people in our country are compromising our own values and ways of life to please people who want to be apart of our society who are basically coming here to get away from the same things they are trying to incorporate into our society. Just my opinion.
SSG Maurice P.
SSG Maurice P.
>1 y
CPL Hicks your right about us fighting back but this time we CAN NOT ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE SLOW IN ADJUSTING FIRE...
SPC Charles Griffith
SPC Charles Griffith
10 y
SSG Wichita I agree with the idea you espouse I however don't want my Religion running things either. It is my heartfelt belief that the framers got it right and to allow ANY Religion to rule is wrong.
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PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
Nope. Can't. Sharia law insists that anyone that is not a Muslim be given a choice - either convert or die. And that's the beginning......
Cpl Ehr Specialist
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
The first crusades were hardly about religion either. The church may have had some small religious intent, however, the barons who sent their troops and their sons were more interested in land for their many princes who would not inherit. The kingdom of Jerusalem was a means to give land owning opportunities to those sons. This division in purpose and ideals is a major factor for why the crusades did not maintain their purpose.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
>1 y
Cpl. Hicks, you are absolutely correct. In fact, they were all about land for the elite in Europe. Religion became a rallying call to get commoners involved and die for a cause. I don't recall the monarch that got the Pope involved, but once that happened, religion was a facade used by the elitists to obtain more land. In response to SPC Mulder, we do not fight for Christianity, but for the right to worship as we please. That is a First Amendment guarantee, and it includes Islam. The problem is Sharia law does not allow for worshiping any god but Allah. Your choice is convert to Islam, or die.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
10 y
Or, PO1 (Join to see), the end!
MAJ Matthew Arnold
MAJ Matthew Arnold
>1 y
Know your history. Look it up. The first crusades and subsequent crusades were a response to about 400 or 500 years of Islamic aggression. The princes on the edge of the Christian world, Hungry, Croatia, Spain, who were bearing the weight of Islamic aggression, appealed to the Pope and the prices of Europe for help in defending the borders of Christendom, in about 1090, give or take, what followed was the Crusades. The spoils of war followed war as it had always done from the time of the beginning of war to that time.
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