Recent Activity -
15 years USAF experience. 11 years program management experience as an Acquisitions Officer (63A), 3 years information operations experience as an Operations Management Officer (86M) and 1 year experience as a Protocol Officer (88P).
Level III certification in Program Management from DAU.
Systems Engineering experience with Requirements, Risk and Configuration Mgmt
Level III certification in Program Management from DAU.
Systems Engineering experience with Requirements, Risk and Configuration Mgmt
Military Experiences
Oct 2014 - Apr 2015
Chief, Medical Information Systems Section
Medical Information Systems /
Decision Support Systems Branch AFLCMC/HIB (AFMC)
• Directed the acquisition, development and sustainment of 13 AF Medical Service, clinical, business and ancillary applications valued at $104M. Developed medical information systems enabling streamlined Aeromedical Evacuation (AE) in support of the AF Surgeon General.
• Led section of 28 military, 8 government civilian and 36 contract functional experts, acquisition managers, system specialists & developers. Ensured mission critical system support available 24/7/365 to 16K+ medics at 135 sites in garrison & deployed worldwide.
Decision Support Systems Branch AFLCMC/HIB (AFMC)
• Directed the acquisition, development and sustainment of 13 AF Medical Service, clinical, business and ancillary applications valued at $104M. Developed medical information systems enabling streamlined Aeromedical Evacuation (AE) in support of the AF Surgeon General.
• Led section of 28 military, 8 government civilian and 36 contract functional experts, acquisition managers, system specialists & developers. Ensured mission critical system support available 24/7/365 to 16K+ medics at 135 sites in garrison & deployed worldwide.
Jan 2014 - Oct 2014
Deputy PM, NexGen IT
Civil Engineering Systems /
Decision Support Systems Branch
Job Description:
- Managed $411M NexGen IT contracts for CE projects, real property, energy, work order, supply and financial mgmt
- Worked directly w/ HAF/A4-7 to ensure NexGen regulatory & FIAR compliance/develops senior ldrshp briefs mthly
- Directed program support for developing, testing, accreditation and fielding IOC/FOC s/w release & follow-on rgmts
- Accumulated & transformed base to AF-wide level civil engineer requirements to enhanced application capabilities
Decision Support Systems Branch
Job Description:
- Managed $411M NexGen IT contracts for CE projects, real property, energy, work order, supply and financial mgmt
- Worked directly w/ HAF/A4-7 to ensure NexGen regulatory & FIAR compliance/develops senior ldrshp briefs mthly
- Directed program support for developing, testing, accreditation and fielding IOC/FOC s/w release & follow-on rgmts
- Accumulated & transformed base to AF-wide level civil engineer requirements to enhanced application capabilities
Sep 2012 - Jan 2014
Program Manager - ACES, IWIMS, ACES-FD & EODIMS
Civil Engineering Systems /
Decision Support Systems Branch
Job Description:
- Managed $6.3M ACES Family of Systems contracts for expeditionary, work order, financial, readiness and housing management
- Directed Operations & Maintenance support for 5 major systems; developing, testing, and fielding of software releases & maintenance patches
- Led the Certification and Accreditation process for the 5 systems to maintain Information Assurance compliance
- Accumulated and transform base to Air Force wide level engineering requirements into enhanced application capabilities
Decision Support Systems Branch
Job Description:
- Managed $6.3M ACES Family of Systems contracts for expeditionary, work order, financial, readiness and housing management
- Directed Operations & Maintenance support for 5 major systems; developing, testing, and fielding of software releases & maintenance patches
- Led the Certification and Accreditation process for the 5 systems to maintain Information Assurance compliance
- Accumulated and transform base to Air Force wide level engineering requirements into enhanced application capabilities
Apr 2012 - Sep 2012
Deputy Chief, Systems Engineering Branch
Infrared Space Systems Directorate /
Space and Missile Systems Center (AFSPC)
Job Description:
- Led 14 personnel and 160+ contractors to design and integrate the Space Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS) $18B missile warning & defense system
- Maintained enterprise technical & schedule baselines--provides configuration control for 8 satellites & 7 major ground sites
- Oversaw risk management & interface control for $12B in contracts--balanced performance, interoperability, affordability
- Executed program-level reviews & monitors metrics ensuring products meet 555 system requirements and warfighter needs
Space and Missile Systems Center (AFSPC)
Job Description:
- Led 14 personnel and 160+ contractors to design and integrate the Space Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS) $18B missile warning & defense system
- Maintained enterprise technical & schedule baselines--provides configuration control for 8 satellites & 7 major ground sites
- Oversaw risk management & interface control for $12B in contracts--balanced performance, interoperability, affordability
- Executed program-level reviews & monitors metrics ensuring products meet 555 system requirements and warfighter needs
(7 months)Mar 2009 - Sep 2009

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
- Sole DCMA Quality Assurance Representative for oversight of KBR and three security contractors at Al Taqqadum Air Base, Camp Baharia and Camp Al Habbaniyah, outside Fallujah, Iraq.
- Performed 230 contract audits of KBR & private security company services
- DCMA lead for Camp Baharia closure & return to Government of Iraq
- Performed 230 contract audits of KBR & private security company services
- DCMA lead for Camp Baharia closure & return to Government of Iraq
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Nov 2014 - Dec 2014
Civilian Personnel Management Course (CPMC)
Feb 2014
Acquisition Leadership Challenge Program - I (ALCP-I)
Dec 2013
Reliability, Availability,& Maintainability (LOG 103)
Apr 2013
Fundamentals Of Business Financial Mgmt (BCF 103)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information