Posted on Apr 20, 2017
Should Enlisted Soldiers have strategic planning classes for their career?
Responses: 7
I'm actually kind of disappointed in these responses. There is a program to help plan for soldiers futures, it's called, "developmental counseling." If you're a leader and not sitting down and planning with your soldier, then you are showing them you're not invested in their future. Strategic planning is the long-term version, and while they might not have a goal, a good leader and mentor should be trying to help them discover those goals, even if they are to get out of the military and attend school.
Soldiers should have more control over their careers. Being beholden, not only to “Needs of the Army”, but mainly to a Branch Manager who only sees what is on paper, is ludicrous and a major cause of so many good Troops leaving early.
DA Select assignments should be, somewhat, stopped and allow soldiers to request/bid/apply for them
If a Soldier is getting nowhere in their Field/Branch, allow them to seek MORE opportunities in an SMOS/AMOS if already “Q”Ed. Holding the hostage because of unverifiable “Branch Shortages” is detrimental to the good of the Force.
DA Select assignments should be, somewhat, stopped and allow soldiers to request/bid/apply for them
If a Soldier is getting nowhere in their Field/Branch, allow them to seek MORE opportunities in an SMOS/AMOS if already “Q”Ed. Holding the hostage because of unverifiable “Branch Shortages” is detrimental to the good of the Force.
I think they should. When a new officer arrives in a unit, he or she will be mentored and guided in their career. This one thing that I feel I should lacking in the junior enlisted. Not if has to do with the amount of junior enlisted in any unit in comparison to the amount of officers. But it would be nice for them
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