Posted on Dec 20, 2013
Entered the service with a degree, with no Student Loan Repayment Program.
Is there any programs in place for service members who entered service with a degree but were not offered the Student Loan Repayment Program?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 6
SPC Smith - Good question. I do not know of any, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something out there. I would start with talking to your BDE or higher Reenlistment NCO (the actual 79 guy/gal). They may know of something out there. Maybe some research through your ACS or Education Center out there also? Good luck.
If you do find some positive results, please post them here for future reference.
SPC Smith,
What were you offered? Usually when a person enlists they have to select an MOS that offers an incentive. Not all jobs come with incentives due to their technical nature and with the drawdown I can't see there being any "free" money going around. Did you get a bonus? Maybe assignment of choice? If you received no incentive then it must have been your MOS. I would contact your unit Retention NCO (Usually at Brigade). Good luck.
SPC Christopher Smith
Lt Weber, I came in as a 68W, my options were many but my incentives were none. no bonus money, no location selection, nothing. So much so that I was offered E.O.D with no bonus. I was not offered SLRP but my recruiter told me to sign up for after I get to my first unit. I took that for face value only to find out that I might be SOL.
MAJ Samuel Weber
That stinks. Thanks for choosing to be a Combat Medic, I'm an MSC guy myself. I would contact the Retention NCO, it seems your Recruiter pulled a fast one on you. I hate to hear that, since I was a Recruiter when I was an NCO. Maybe you could declass into an MOS that offers LRP, but you may not want to stay in the Army. Also, look at the total value of your student loans. If you owe less than $10K it may not be worth it, if it is more than that then I would really start looking at options.
Again, I am really sorry that your recruiter failed to do their job (which is to do what is best for the applicant). He should have asked your goals. If you told him that the job was second but LRP was first he should have worded hard to get you your first option.
SPC Christopher Smith
I blamed him early on, but it boiled down to not doing enough homework on my part. I worked two jobs at the time, and trusted that he was leading me in the right direction. It was on my shoulders to demand a little more, but in the end life is all about the lessons you learn. Currently I have over $57,000 in student loans, and I pay out of pocket, but I wouldn't mind a little extra staying in my pocket.
Try tagging recruiting or recruiter in your post, that might generate the responses you need.
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