Posted on Sep 15, 2014
SFC(P) Tobias M.
Running shoes with toes
I have seen this shoe many times and have been told that they are the best. I have also heard from many people that they do not conform to AR 670-1. I am not sure on the true answer to this. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I personally think they look like crap but don't want the way I feel to push me to telling SM's that they are not allowed to wear them.
Posted in these groups: Shoe plainderby black ShoesImgres Physical Training
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Responses: 12
SFC William Swartz Jr
Not to come off as a Richard Cranium, but you as a SFC haven't bothered to personally dig into AR 670-1 or DA PAM 670-1 to find the answer to this? Foreshame!!
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
Spot on SFC Swartz!
SFC(P) Tobias M.
SFC(P) Tobias M.
10 y
I have looked but must not be looking in the right area.
MSG Wade Huffman
MSG Wade Huffman
10 y
1SG Frank Rocha
1SG Frank Rocha
10 y
Richard Cranium! HA
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1SG Company First Sergeant
It's actually in DA PAM 670-1, here is what it has to offer, and they are unauthorized

12–6. General guidelines
a. Personnel wear the green micro fleece cap pulled down snugly on the head with the bottom edge covering the
ears, but not covering the eyebrows. The bottom edge (a portion of or all) of the cap may be folded, but not rolled.
b. Commanders may authorize wear of commercial running shoes with calf-length or ankle-length, plain white socks
(no logos). If worn, ankle-length socks must cover the entire ankle bone. Shoes must accommodate all five toes in one
compartment. Those shoes that feature five separate, individual compartments for the toes, detract from a professional
military image and are prohibited for wear with the IPFU or when conducting physical training in a military formation.
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
Lot's of good info and new changes in both of the manuals SFC(P) Tobias M.
SFC(P) Tobias M.
SFC(P) Tobias M.
10 y
I will be looking at the DA Pam. thanks again.
SSG Robert Burns
SSG Robert Burns
10 y
Look at that....Rally Point comes through again. You forget what you learned in PLDC?....check on Rally Point.
SSG Program Coordinator 68 W Sustainment
SSG (Join to see)
10 y
Minimalist shoe
Along the same lines in regards with the five separate toe configuration, it is authorized to wear a minimalist shoe that conforms with the regulation that states "Shoes must accommodate all five toes in one compartment." DA PAM 670-1 page 33, section 12-6 para b. Minimalist shoes look like a separate five toe shoe, has the same construction as a separate five toe shoe, however it has one compartment.
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TSgt Joshua Copeland
For the AF they ARE authorized, but the major manufacture of that style shoes recently lost a lawsuit over claims about the shoes.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
TSgt Joshua Copeland
10 y
SSgt (Join to see) , those are the exact kind of claims that they got used and lost over.
"Vibram will not make ... any claims that FiveFingers footwear are effective in strengthening muscles or preventing injury unless that representation is true, non-misleading and is supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence,"
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
10 y
TSgt Joshua Copeland: Quite right. Due to a knee problem I had to change my gait while running, and in an effort to do so bought the Vibram 5-fingers. They worked well for me - even got me through a Tough Mudder - but I much prefer the shoes I have now (Merrell). They're still minimalist, zero-drop soles but are more like traditional shoes and promote the less ground pounding gait I like.
TSgt Joshua Copeland
TSgt Joshua Copeland
10 y
SMSgt Jeff Samuelson , congrats on the tough mudder! That is no small achievement!
Maj Matt Hylton
Maj Matt Hylton
10 y
I have a pair of them as well and wear them to group PT since they are authorized in the AF. I didn't buy into the whole "strengthen your muscles" claim, but I did buy into the fact that it forces me to change my gait. I was a bad heel striker when running and it didn't affect me too much when I was younger, but one torn ACL and knee surgery later, it was really reeking havoc on my knee and ankles. If I heel strike while running in the five-fingers, it hurts my heel and forces me to run up on the balls of my feet.
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