Posted on Feb 19, 2017
Which branches trust their troops, both Officer and Enlisted, more?
In the Navy it seemed that Officers were automatically given a certain level of trust yet Enlisted had pretty much none until they proved themselves. My question is more geared towards weapons, etc. we had to keep our weapons in the armory, even as military police, and we were pretty much treated like children even if we had professional experience in our field.
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
Trust is enhanced by acute mission and skill performance levels. Given that, the SOF crowd would be a good pick. For a singular service, likely Marines. Increasing levels of drama in the other services.
CPT Arch Nissel
Would have to agree SOF was a great place to work. I have seen corporals and sergeants run battalion training when they were the SMEs with the officers learning like the rest. Rank was almost ignored most of the time depending on the mission.
Honestly, I do not know what you want us to state.
Trust has to be earned, much like respect.
I do not know of anyone that would say they trust someone because of what uniform they wear or the rank of the individual wearing the uniform ( in my own opinion ).
Trust has to be earned, much like respect.
I do not know of anyone that would say they trust someone because of what uniform they wear or the rank of the individual wearing the uniform ( in my own opinion ).
PO1 Christopher Gómez
I mean morse in the regard that weapons had to be locked up in the armory in the Navy and that I heard the Marines and Army issue weapons but no ammo on FOBs until patrol time or MPs on duty. I'm trying to find out the truth and if any branch allows MPs a take home weapon or to carry off duty. I know federal law restricts this on base to some degree.
I don't know about other services but when as a Marine in FMF we kept our weapons individually. Had a place in wall locker to secure them but did not have ammo. While in the Florida Air National Guard our weapons was in an alarmed vault. When we went on field traing or Rifle range we drew them at the vault and kept them with us at all times.
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