Recent Activity -
DOD Employee as Electrician at Public Works Department , NAS Jacksonville, Florida November 4, 1968 til January 1985.
DOD employee as MHE/WHE inspector at Facilities and Environmental Department at Kings Bay Submarine Base,St Marys, Georgia. Retired in 2002.
DOD employee as MHE/WHE inspector at Facilities and Environmental Department at Kings Bay Submarine Base,St Marys, Georgia. Retired in 2002.
Military Experiences
1989 - Mar 2003
Disaster Prepardness Supervisor
Supervised Disaster Prepardness Programs to include NBC, Major Accidents, Natural Disasters, and Hazardous Materials Responce. Taught the squadron personnel in all the above subjects as well as made recommendations to the Commander.
Jan 1985 - 1989
Admin Supervisor
supervised administrative office and personnel in weekend duties. Administered ID program to include finger prints and secret clearances. Administered weight program and maintained records of all personel as pertaining to weight and hieght.
Oversaw Physical Training program including PT Test.
Oversaw Physical Training program including PT Test.
Started in May 2003
(1 year, 10 months)Sep 2002
Barksdale Louisanna
Deployed to 203rd RED HORSE as Readiness Technician for Operational Readiness Exercise.
Mar 2000 - Apr 2000

South Korea
Deployed to ROK Marine base in Pohang, S. Korea with elements of 202nd RED HORSE to construct hanger for USMC. US Marines handle the ordinance for ROK Marines.
Sep 1996 - Oct 1996
Hurricane Fran, Raleigh, NC
Plumbing supervisor setting up camp for South Carolina Nation Guard. Installing various expedient showers for responder supporting operations around Raleigh/Durham N. C.
Mar 1993 - Apr 1993
Cedar Key, Storm of the Century
Responded as a member of 202nd RED HORSE Sq. Supervised a crew cleaning up debris on Cedar Key. Supervised crew running 12" chipper.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Feb 1996 - Mar 1996
Hazmat Train the Trainer, Good Fellow AFB
Sep 1964 - Dec 1964
Plumbing and Water Supply
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 1967 - Jun 1967
Regimental Sch. Camp Pendleton, Ca
Feb 1965 - May 1965
Shop Mathematics
Mar 1996
Haz Mat Technician Train the Trainer
Jan 1988
RED HORSE Certified
Pistol Expert
Dec 1967
1stClass Swimmer
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Welcome Home MSgt! SEMPER FI!
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character