Posted on Feb 13, 2017
CW2 Battalion Maintenance Officer (Bmo)
Speak your mind...aaaannnndddd go!
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Responses: 22
COL Charles Williams
CW2 (Join to see) First, Climb to Glory!!! Second, what do you think? I am now 4 years removed from our Army. BCT and AIT were updated dramatically after 9/11 and things that went awry in OEF and OIF. That has been 10-15 years, so yes, training always need to maintain pace with the world us. But, as you likely know, TRADOC is not good at change.
CW2 Battalion Maintenance Officer (Bmo)
CW2 (Join to see)
8 y
Our focus seems to be way off base. We are a combat force not one that caters to each and every persons feelings. It just can't be done. Yet, that's foremost in the minds of higher. It's all about how we look rather than what we do. I'm slowly dying inside.
"To the Top!"
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
8 y
CW2 (Join to see) - To the top. I am sure your feelings are well founded, and having the benefit of history and 33 years (80-13), I know the Army is every growing, shrinking and changing. It will be OK. Stay focussed on what you can control. No sense losing sleep over the things you can't.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
COL Charles Williams , The only time I ever saw change that was good for TRADOC was when TRADOC initiated the change. And in turn, THAT change was usually not good for the Army.
SMSgt Roger Horton
SMSgt Roger Horton
8 y
I've been retired for a good many years and haven't kept up with training but as I told a numbered Air Force IG team once, We train to fight like the last conflict such as after WWII we trained that way till Korea came along and so on. It could be getting better now but I don't know. In The Air National Guard we would train for an ORI as the IG Team told us in the last ORI 3 to 5 years earlier. In the AF an ORI is test war time skills. Next ORI we get a different IG Team from a different numbered Air Force such as 9th AF. They would change what we was told in the last ORI and expect 440 Airmen to get it. You practice something for 3 to 5 years and you're not going to change everyone in 2 or 3 days. All IG Inspectors need to be inspecting the same curriculum to same type units.
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SFC George Smith
they need to be reworked and make sure the troops are really prepared...
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SGT PATRIOT Fire Control Enhanced Operator/Maintainer
I'm not sure how they are now, but if its any worse than when I went through it 4 years ago.. that can't be good. From my experience BCT was a cake walk, and we had many of privates that would actually back talk to the DS with no real punishment. They were all there with us on graduation day. On top of that I don't think I learned anything at all in my AIT (42A). There were many of times that we would go to the classroom and not even have an instructor for half the day. At other times the instructor wouldn't have the resources for each student to access programs on the computer, so for things as important as updating ERBs by regulation were taught in like 5 mins by looking over your neighbor's shoulder. Then after some time at my first unit, we get a group of 3 privates straight from AIT. Me being the only SPC at the time is put in charge to train them. On top of their lack of knowledge (which I expected) 2 of them fail their first APFT. Along with this one would complain non-stop for having to work past 1600, and would show little to no effort in trying to learn their daily task. BCT and AIT could definitely use a revision.
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