Posted on Sep 7, 2014
SrA Jeff Campbell
So the best place that served the best food to me in the military was the JET SHACK! this was a small area primarily for serving those who worked the flight line....The Good Thing though was you could get a Homemade Chocolate Shake, Burger and Fries and it made you feel like you were going through the old steak n shake hamburger place!!! I loved those shakes! So what was the Best Meal that you ever had while active duty, or reserves or while you served? What made it the best for you? For me, I could get my food and still watch the F-15 and F-16's take off!
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CPT Jack Durish
I suppose that I was prepared for the worst in food when I enlisted in the Army in 1966. None of my immediate family had served and the little I knew came from Beetle Bailey comics and songs such as "The biscuits in the Army they say are mighty fine..." Imagine my surprise when I discovered that it was very good. Sure, the others complained, mostly because it wasn't just like the food mama served them. But with a few table condiments, the flavors could be adjusted because the base was excellent.

So, what was my favorite? You're going to laugh. It was something mama never made. SOS.

I have had SOS prepared in other mess halls over the years: Navy/Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard. Theirs is pretty bad. But Army SOS was really good.

I made several attempts after separating from active duty to replicate it and succeeded, and can treat myself occasionally. Interestingly, some of my children liked it too.
MAJ Keira Brennan
MAJ Keira Brennan
10 y
Ditto - my kids ask for it too LOL.
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
SOS is a great basic meal, just be aware of the salt content (great for basic trainees though)!
SPC David Hannaman
SPC David Hannaman
>1 y
SOS!!! By the time I hit active duty in 1989 you rarely saw "the shingle" you got biscuits with the gravy (still mighty fine).

One time they DID have toast, and I lit up and asked the mess Sergeant for "SOS". He poured a ladle full of gravy right on my tray... I looked at him and said "What the heck Sarge! Where's my shingle?!" funny moment, but I don't think he appreciated his food being referred to as "shit". I guess I could have saved the day by saying "Damn Sarge, this gravy is THE SHIT..." but the moment was lost.
PO2 Gerry Roberson Sr.
PO2 Gerry Roberson Sr.
9 y
Chipped or ground?
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Cpl Mark McMiller
Air Force food. We used to drive all the way from MCB, Camp Butler to the Kadena AFB chow hall on Okinawa for lunch because the Air Force food was so much better.
SSG Brian Carpenter
SSG Brian Carpenter
1 y
We would drive from Ft Carson up to Peterson Air base because we could get takeout burgers late at night of course this was mid 90"s so who knows now
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SFC Mark Merino
Friday in Schweinfurt, Germany (1990) was surf and turf lunch. The line went on forever. Definately worth the wait. $1.90 for steak and shrimp? COME ON!
SrA Jeff Campbell
SrA Jeff Campbell
>1 y
WOW! now that was a DEAL! Thanks for Sharing!
MAJ Keira Brennan
MAJ Keira Brennan
10 y
How about a nice schnitzel or wurst and curry fries?? I miss Germany (Stationed at Bamberg and Stuttgart)
SPC David Hannaman
SPC David Hannaman
>1 y
Ft Campbell used to have some great Schnitzel too!
SPC David Hannaman
SPC David Hannaman
>1 y
Had Surf and Turf at Camp Humphreys once, line around the block and all that. I wasn't impressed... but I'm spoiled when it comes to steak, had an Uncle that ran a feed lot in Southern Minnesota, hard to beat grain fed MN beef hand picked by the farmer and butchered by the local mom and pop shop.
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