Posted on Feb 3, 2017
SGT Mechanic
I am joining active duty after 6 years in the National Guard. I signed my contract for my first duty station to be in Germany. Everything for moving my wife and daughter over with me is fairly straight out and has a step by step process. I have found limited info on moving my two dogs over. One male Patterdale Terrier around 40lbs and one female Fox Terrier around 30lbs. Any info will be helpful.
Posted in these groups: Germany GermanyImages PCSB3d30eb9 OCONUSMg95201403209509581995749 1 Pets392025c1 Dogs
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Responses: 8
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
I didn't have pets with me, but I knew those that did. Chances are, they will have to be quarantined for a bit to ensure they aren't bringing in sickness and what not. Contact your Recruiter or MEPS to see if they have a POC for you to contact to get clearer information.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - Sorry I couldn't be more help.
SGT Mechanic
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
I hadn't even thought of asking my recruiter for a POC. Any info I can gather or advise on where to get info is extremely helpful.
SGT Mechanic
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SFC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SPC Hartman, we moved to Germany with 4 dogs in 2012. The only requirement was ther certificate from the on post vet and updated vaccines. All of which the vet can inform you of. If you are flying during the warmer months beware most airlines will not let you take a pet that has to be in the belly of the plane. We flew all of ours with Lufthansa because they have exceptions. We paid 1500 Euro so you can do the math. Hit me up if you need more info. Good luck.
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LTC Jason Mackay
My advice is for you to go to the nearest military installation and get an overseas levy brief. They cover all this stuff in the levy brief. You will need to have vet examine your pet and then fill out the paperwork. You also have to check with the office your arranging your travel through on whether your pets can move at the same time as your family. Airlines have slapped crazy restrictions on this process over the last 6 years because of some pet deaths in transit.

Who is your sponsor? You must have a sponsor in USAREUR. You will get to Germany and not be able to drive. You will need your sponsor to help you get around and prepare for your arrival. If you arrive in Frankfurt, you will need to get your pet in another terminal from where you land.
SGT Mechanic
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
Right now my orders are just telling me that I am heading to Fort Jackson for 2-3 weeks. I signed my contract for a duty station in Germany so I should be going to Germany soon after. I'm not exactly sure where I will be stationed at yet. I have made contact with the 18th MP Brigade since I'll be serving as an MP. But I haven't heard anything about a sponser other than I will have one.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - you must continue pushing for a sponsor. Ensure your family are listed by name on your orders as well
SGT Mechanic
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
LTC Jason Mackay - Thank you for your advise Sir. Any advise will be helpful for me. I am transitioning from the National Guard to active duty. I have never PCSed before and having OCONUS as my first duty station is a little over welming. Especially since I have to make sure my wife and daughter get over safely, as well as get my pets over to Germany. It's a lot of information to take in at once.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - Pets are the least of your concerns. You are supposed to do a whole POM checklist. You also need to initiate passports for the family for official travel with a SOFA stamp. This takes at least 6 weeks. This little 2-3 weeks at Jackson isn't enough time. Your HHG are going to take a month to get there. Your car will take a month. Your hold bags about a week or two. You really need a levy brief.
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