Posted on Jan 31, 2017
When does rage become a method of communicating, and is it helpful in discussion?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 10
The only time rage works is when the rules of the game favor the loudest voice. Not very effective in 99% of professional settings
Rage? Almost never effective in normal life. Most people will just think you're psycho. But if you catch some punk in the act of stealing your car, true rage might scare him off, because he thinks you're a psycho. Of course, the punk might have a gun and your rage just got you shot.
Rage is never acceptable in normal conversations. However, that is the norm these days versus the exception. We, and I mean we because I have been guilty of it, tend to get enraged when others disagree with us. We can't accept that we are wrong. Don't know where that crept in to society as a whole but it has. It is ok to be wrong and admit that you just learned something new...that is the mark of a mature and well versed individual.
BUT...I will shut down and not listen to a word anyone has said if they use a loud voice or rage (outside of boot camp) me that is a sign of immaturity and lack of knowledge...out of the mouth come the words of the heart!!!
BUT...I will shut down and not listen to a word anyone has said if they use a loud voice or rage (outside of boot camp) me that is a sign of immaturity and lack of knowledge...out of the mouth come the words of the heart!!!
SSgt Shawn Springsteen
GREAT thread and great responses! I actually just did a live stream yesterday on the power of seeking to understand first...communication is most often understanding the needs of the situation/audience first... [login to see] 544865/ [login to see] 544865/
Seek first to quick... - Shawn Springsteen | Facebook
Seek first to quick story with Fatima from Managua...#understanding #unity #listen #love
Cpl Alan Moran
when you have rage, you lose focus on your surroundings. you fail to focus on the big picture and you fail to see alternatives, options, changes in the situation. you become a better victim due to your decision to enter into this realm without full regard for risks and defeat. getting your opponent to 'rage' may be to your advantage.
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