Posted on Dec 27, 2016
My unit is to provide medical support to Maple Resolve, in Canada this spring. Does anyone have any experience with this training exercise?
Responses: 3
Also check out NATO medical doctrine, especially the NATO Coalition Operations Handook. If you have trouble finding copies just send me an email, I'm in the global under Lechette.
This looks Like a Major Nato exercise ... you need to get a copy of the Operations order and find out what the medical index requires... and then find out what the Host Nation has and is providing For
I know there is or was a Large Medical facility in the area and you would need to coordinate with them... But here again that information and materials should be obtained in by sight surveys and Final coordination by Avon teams...
Interesting you are Looking for Info Here ... that's a major FTX and there should be Unclassified AAR ... After Action Reports and you should be able to get the Information and from previous Planning Conferences...
I know there is or was a Large Medical facility in the area and you would need to coordinate with them... But here again that information and materials should be obtained in by sight surveys and Final coordination by Avon teams...
Interesting you are Looking for Info Here ... that's a major FTX and there should be Unclassified AAR ... After Action Reports and you should be able to get the Information and from previous Planning Conferences...
SSG(P) Brian Kliesen
Unfortunately, information has been very limited to this point, so we are reaching out to whatever resources we can to gain additional information. The sooner we find information, the better we will be able to prepare for the upcoming mission.
Reach out to the S3 shop or SPO for 43d Sustainment Brigade, Ft Carson Co. They had supported some of the mayor cell duties. I was decoupled from the execution of the exercise due to competing requirements.
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