Posted on Dec 15, 2013
SSG Robert Burns
We spend $$$MILLIONS on this what I believe is a useless channel and was probably an OER bullet for someone a long time ago.

That channel among many other wasteful, useless, and unnecessary things we spend unGodly amounts of money on.

Get rid of all those things then start telling me to pay for my Motrin.
Posted in these groups: Money budget Budget
Edited 11 y ago
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Responses: 7
CPT Senior Instructor
I would agree with you are this. There are many things the Army can cut. Now that the wars are pretty much done why don't we have soldiers at the gates. I know some bases do but not all of them. I know those civilians are costing why more than a couple of PFCs and a SGT. I hate to say it but the Army cutting the number of Paratroopers is a move in the right direction. We still need them trained but maintaining status on so many really doesn't make much sense. At fort bragg you used to have soldiers at Womack on jump status. A waste of money. You have medics in other units that can perform that task. I am really curious where else they are going to look. I foresee the number of overseas bases being reduced and longer overseas tours. 
SGT Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist
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11 y
2LT Rosa,

I know people who are getting turned down for COTs (Continuous Overseas Tours) which can save the Army TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars EACH!!!

If it's 1)good for the Soldier, 2)good for their family, if applicable, AND 3)good for the Army, then why NOT let them move from Italy to Germany - a short truck drive PCS - instead of moving them from Italy to Washington State and moving someone from Texas to Germany...
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MAJ Senior Signal Oc
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Since I love playing the devils advocate if you had to choose between a reduction in COLA which could change when the current administration is kicked to the damn curb or have the whole retirement system cut until you are 65? Many have been pushing for us to lose all of our benefits until 65 with the general hope that most of us will be dead saving the government a lot of money. </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Cuts do need to be made and upon reading the Senator who pushed for the changes said it is not as much a straight cut but a more accurate way of calculating how COLA should be paid. </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Overall I would rather cut things like how many posts are out there and wasteful things that we don't need like more friggin tanks but most Congressmen/women get kickbacks for these programs so they force them on us. Well now I am off my soapbox. </p><p><br></p>
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SGM Matthew Quick
The $6 million annual budget for the Pentagon Channel is a mere drop in a huge bucket.
MAJ Senior Signal Oc
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
The Army Times published a story that Stars and Stripes is reviewing no longer publishing hard copies only online versions. Another couple of million there.
SGM Matthew Quick
SGM Matthew Quick
11 y
CPT Telesco,

The Stars & Stripes' budget is $7.4 million; the majority of the paper's budget comes from advertising, newspaper sales, and other staff-generated revenue.
SSG Lisa Rendina
SSG Lisa Rendina
11 y
I don't believe Career Counselors need SDAP.  Unless we are thinking of different individuals?
SGM Matthew Quick
SGM Matthew Quick
11 y
SSG Rendina,

We're talking about PMOS 79S, at the battalion and higher level.
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