Posted on Dec 5, 2016
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
As Trump fills out his Cabinet, advocates for women in uniform are watching closely to see if he will overturn Defense Secretary Ash Carter's December 2015 order that opened all military positions to women.
So, will Trump Reinstate a Ban on Women in Combat? Vote and comments please.
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Responses: 51
SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 8 y ago
I hope he does not kill the initiative. What I hope he does is require his service chiefs to create tough, realistic MAXIMUM standards by MOS, and then say.. You want the job, it's yours, pass the test..Male, female, Trans, Lez, Gay, easter bunny, no different. Have no medical, mental, physical needs that can not be met in austere combat environments, and pass the physicality test... Then get busy and train, like your life depends on it,,,,because it does..
Anne Strohm
Anne Strohm
8 y
In true combat conditions, gender doesn't matter. Ability does. If a woman can do the job, more power to her. As a woman, I'd rather be up against a man in any fight; women are vicious! During downtime, sure, mixed genders might be a distraction, but during combat, I'd be more focused on saving my own, and my team's asses, than on anything else.
1LT Hugh Ghormley
1LT Hugh Ghormley
>1 y
I've fought with my wife. I want her on my side when everything hits the fan! She can hold my six.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
Construction Manager
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>1 y
While in AFG for 18 months, women were serving & running patrols ! If they measure-up to the same standards as the men, Not the pussified standards set by 'o'HOMO but the Real standards then more power to them ! They have the Right to Love, Protect & Defend their Homeland just as do the men !
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Capt Judith Galloway
Trump is going to listen to General Dunford. No women in combat. Read Lt Col Robert Maginnis' book, Deadly Consequences: How Cowards are Pushing Women into Combat.
Under Obama's policy of gender norming women would be ordered into combat units to make up a 10 percent critical mass as that's what sociologists say is required for successful integration. There is ample evidence of the damage women would do to a combat unit if this policy were promulgated. Women will not be volunteering in sufficient numbers to make this policy feasible. In the all volunteer force we are not short of men who can meet the current physical fitness standards for combat specialties. Forcing women into combat would be catastrophic in every way. This is common sense. Women are a threat to good order and discipline in combat units. No matter how they conduct themselves. No matter how superhuman they prove themselves. It is not a question of that. Their very presence is disruptive. Why is this so hard to grasp?
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
CPT Richard Fematt - Thank you. That may be true to my personal experience, but it should not be the determining factor of whether women should fill those roles. If we are to be truly equal, women should be given the same opportunities as men. That is not to say that everything should be handed to us, but every option should be available to us. Our entire gender should not be discriminated against should individuals fail to meet the standard.
CPT Richard Fematt
CPT Richard Fematt
>1 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - women are truly equal in all sense of the word allowing females to join combat units does not mean there is a disparity among the sexes...what I and many on this thread are saying even if females pass the training they still should not be allowed to join front line infantry units where engagement with the enemy is imminent! As a CA officer out on convoy to conduct our HA missions females were gunners on some of the vehicles manming 249-B and they did there job well, my driver was a 5'1" female SGT who performed exemplary but I know in my mind she would not be able to extricate out of a burning vehicle carrying close to 280 plus pounds, or drag me out of a kill zone! It's just human anatomy and physical makeup!!!
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
CPT Richard Fematt - My statement still stands. That's why we have duty assignments, intrapost transfers, minimum height and weight requirements, etc.
Construction Manager
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>1 y
I agree with your point Captain. While in AFG speaking with an Officer about this dynamic, he replied that on every deployment of his, there was at least 1 pregnancy. At one of the bases where I was posted one of the women was selling it to whoever out of her room !
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SFC William Stephens
Show me any women howitzer crew on a Paladin M109A6/A7 who can LOAD/SHOOT and FIRE a TOT with in 30 seconds or less against any male crew, until we get self-loaders, they can keep shaving they heads and carrying men through the mud and fire, but prove it on a TIME ON TARGET with the bad guys are coming. I rest my case.
SMSgt Ops Superintendant
SMSgt (Join to see)
8 y
Maj Kim Patterson - Good one. As a JTAC I get it. Lolol
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
8 y
Maj Kim Patterson - I think that you are missing SFC Stephens' point. Using a female fighter/ground support pilot as an opposing side of the equation could be switched out with a male fighter/ground support pilot, and you would have the exact same issue/question.
LCpl Bruce Northey
LCpl Bruce Northey
8 y
Maj Kim Patterson - see the capt response, some maybe able to, my sister was a wm and probably could have kept up with average males easy. But not all wm could, most could not meet the same physical standards as a male.
SPC Brian Stephens
SPC Brian Stephens
>1 y
I was in from 1988-1991 as a Lance Missile Crewmember for the U.S. Army. At some point there were women in the program and then the Army banned them. By the time I got to my unit, most of the female Lance Missile Crewmembers were Sergeants and I personally served with two. Mostly they were in the Assembly & Transport platoons and they were good leaders. I am not going to say one way or another whether they should have been there, but if we continue to allow women in Field Artillery, throw the quota out and let women in of good character and spirit who can keep up with the guys. Let them serve as they see fit. I suspect most women do not want to be a Ranger anyway and prefer support roles, but I am willing to concede it depends on each woman as to what she wants to do in the service of our country.
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