Posted on Aug 20, 2014
Cpl Ehr Specialist
After being in the service as long as you have been, and knowing what you know now about MOS's, duties, stations, deployments, etc.; if you had a do-over, would you pick the same MOS? Would you pick a different MOS? Would you choose to not have entered the service at all? What MOS would you join the service for now?
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Responses: 38
1SG Company First Sergeant
I personally love my job and wouldn't change a single thing. I have had a pretty successful career thus far and still love it.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
same here
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Signal Corps all the way and everyday!
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Sir you happen to know a Heather Gunther? Gunther being her married name, not sure what her maiden name was. She is also Signal, and her husband was my commander at one time, who is a MAJ Infantry Officer.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
Doesn't sound familiar 1SG (Join to see) I knew a female SPC Gunther back in my Drum days, but don't think her first name was Heather though.
CW3 Mobility Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm a former 88N, now CW2 882A. If given a time machine, I'd go SF. Now I'm too old, too broken, unless they want to send me to The Q course with no reprocussions, I'd gladly graduate the Q with my old 6 rank. But, I'm grateful for the experiences I've had and all the people I've met.
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SPC Charles Brown
My first tour of active duty I was in Air Defense Artillery, my second tour on ad was in supply. Having/wanting to do it over I would have probably chosen a different MOS than supply (92Y). Most likely I would have taken a different route the second tour. Am I sorry I made the choices of MOS that I did, most definitely not. I got to meet and work with outstanding people in both fields. If I were allowed to serve again I would go back in to supply and logistics. I would also have liked to go back to Korea just once to see all the changes over the past 32 years.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
If I had my preferences, I'd have selected armor, but it wasn't available in my ARNG unit, so I went artillery. That was pretty much a dead end until I became a Drill Sgt - then things picked up. One great thing about the Army is if you don't like the job you have, you can almost always transfer to the one you want.
SSG William Patton
SSG William Patton
>1 y
All jobs in the military are important. Without a soldier performing a task for the greater good, the total organization would not function efficiently. I began my career as a meteorologist with the Signal Corps. We performed research and development duties and supported other research and development in weapons of mass destruction. I really had a problem with the weapons we were creating. I know the rationale was our potential enemy at the time, the USSR, was creating the same weapons, but that did not help. With just a little over a year left in my enlistment, I got orders for the field artillery in Vietnam. That mission helped to save American and South Vietnamese lives and we received positive feedback about the good we were doing. The last year more than made up for the angst I felt from the first two years.
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