Posted on Aug 15, 2014
Where or who are our heros? Where do we place our Focus?
RED FRIDAY!!! Been a week but we need to adjust our focus. I knew Robin Williams and his lost was large ,but even a bigger lost was Major General Harold Green.
The media covered less then 10 minutes from the day he died till his funeral yesterday.
Not to take anything away from Robin WIlliams but we need to really focus on the true heros that are willing to show a the greater love.
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.John 15:13
The media covered less then 10 minutes from the day he died till his funeral yesterday.
Not to take anything away from Robin WIlliams but we need to really focus on the true heros that are willing to show a the greater love.
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.John 15:13
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I think the people we choose to be our heroes are the people that will not garner the limelight. Their deeds will go unnoticed and unheralded except for the few that know what they truly mean, hence the Danny McKnights , Mike Durrants, Randy Shugharts and Gary Gordons of the world.
"Here lies an American soldier known but to God"
I don't consider overpaid athletes & celebrities, "heroes" except for those few, those proud few who have used their talents and influence to help others and make this world a better place. They and we know who they are.
"Here lies an American soldier known but to God"
I don't consider overpaid athletes & celebrities, "heroes" except for those few, those proud few who have used their talents and influence to help others and make this world a better place. They and we know who they are.
LCpl Steve Wininger
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca I cannot think of his name at the moment, but there was an NFL football player, or maybe he was going into the NFL, that decided to put his career on hold so he could serve. The young man paid the ultimate price in Iraq. It is athletes like this gentleman that are a hero, that show people there are things far more important than one's self.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
LCpl Steve Wininger - Pat Tillman, went Ranger and was killed by friendly fire.
LCpl Steve Wininger
Thank you for clarifying MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca. I admire Mr. Tillman for his selfless dedication to country above self. I wish more stars and Athletes would follow his lead. He showed what a true American and role model was supposed to be.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
BG Jimmy Stewart US Air Force reserve - only thing that ever gets referenced is his acting career.

Jimmy Stewart Was a Two Star General in the U.S. Military
Today I found out Jimmy Stewart was a two star general in the United States military. In 1940, Jimmy Stewart was drafted into the United States Army, but ended up being rejected due to being five pounds under the required weight, given his height (at the time he weighed 143 pounds). Not to bedissuaded, Stewart then sought out the help [...]
SSG Robin Rushlo While the loss of Robin Williams was a tragedy, I agree with your post. It was an even greater loss to our military and this country when Major General Green was killed. He spent his life serving this country, and knowing from the time he entered service that his life was just borrowed time.
It is sad that the media will sweep the true heroes and those that truly gave their life to serving under the rug. I am saddened that my own daughter is one of the majority that would rather follow what is going on in Hollywood and not seem to care about those that are giving their lives daily that she may live in freedom.
Sadly, the media and even politicians are sensationalizing the lives of stars and athletes, while sending the true Americans and heroes into harms way, knowing that some of them will not return.
It is sad that the media will sweep the true heroes and those that truly gave their life to serving under the rug. I am saddened that my own daughter is one of the majority that would rather follow what is going on in Hollywood and not seem to care about those that are giving their lives daily that she may live in freedom.
Sadly, the media and even politicians are sensationalizing the lives of stars and athletes, while sending the true Americans and heroes into harms way, knowing that some of them will not return.
Henry V - Speech - Eve of Saint Crispin's Day - HD
Kenneth Branagh's masterpiece film of the Shakespeare classic play. Done in High Definition. Blows away the Braveheart battle speech.
It's like Shakespeare's, St Crispin's Day Speech from "Henry V", many notables have acted it, but how many have lived it?
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