Posted on Oct 19, 2016
What is a reasonable follow-up plan after having an interview?
Responses: 6
The most effective follow up plan that has proven to work for my candidates, and candidates that I work with that are in transition follows the same tactics as a marketing drip campaign: 1) Immediate email thank you to every person in attendance of the interview, 2) Same day as interview, mail out a hand written thank you note which will arrive on their desk a day or two latter. If no response after 5 working days, or they said it will be 1 business week for next steps follow up on their side, on day 4 after interview send an email as a follow up, but attach a link to an article about their industry or competitor and mention something from the interview on how your skills or experience can help them. The idea behind this is to stay relevant and at the forefront in their minds. This is effective at managing the process and turning the odds in your favor. Fell free to reach out to me or look me up on ( free service ) fo ra phone discussion.
SGT Chris McGraw
CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR - Thanks for that reply! It is an excerpt from my new Field Guide for Transitioning Military ebook that is due out thus month..
Thank you e-mail on the same day. A written thank you note to arrive in less than a week. Then I move to the next interview. I had one company that called me 60 days after the interview. Fire and forget is the approach I use.
Continue to interview with other prospective employers. Follow up in about a week BUT NEVER STOP INTERVIEWING!
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