Posted on Sep 26, 2016
SPC David S.
One of the school clubs my daughter is in will be putting together and sending out care packages. For those that are or have deployed what small things would have made or would make your life a little bit more enjoyable.
Posted in these groups: Imgres Deployment720cd677 Package Delivery
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 17
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
Bacon jerky, letters from kids (they crack me up), jello, pudding mix.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited >1 y ago
Batteries. Ramen. Canned goods. Please don't mix smelly soapy things with anything that goes in your mouth. I swear hot soap items could penetrate even canned goods, never mind that poor pitiful ramen cellophane. Can't even be the same BOX for shipping. Pack them separate.

Do the Loggies a favor, Do not ship it all in huge boxes. You clog the Trans system. Think shoe boxes packed in a 4.5 cube box so they can be distributed as far forward as possible.

Also appreciated back issues of People Magazine. Mindless reading, lots of pictures, little thinking after a long day of working in command posts and making tough decisions.
SFC (Other / Not listed)
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
This is the best box you can get, though I would add spices as well. The guys down range won't starve, but soups, noodles, and spices go a long way to enhance a meal.
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SGT Philip Roncari
I know this is not really relevant to this post but I would like to thank the school group from some where in the Midwest back in 1967 who sent care packages to the troops in Vietnam,especially for the packs of Kool Aid that was the only thing that could mask the taste of the water purification tabs we had to put in the water in our canteens,if any of you remember doing this,thanks it was a small thing but meant a lot to us at the time,and for you guys doing it now God Bless.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
I was just talking to my daughter about those nasty iodine pills and how anything that makes water tastes better would be a good idea. As a family we send out a couple a year however I'm glad to see that my daughter picked up this activity as she can pick and choose what she wants to do with the Builders Club. A little ironic as well as we are from the Midwest.
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Philip Roncari
>1 y
SPC David Stephenson -thank you Sir,you and your family are good people and believe me from this once scared nineteen year old kid it means a lot that the people back home care enough to bring a little piece of home to those deployed.
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Philip Roncari I agree about the cool aid. It really did help with the bad taste left with the iodine tablets. I also appreciated the care packages that were sent to us.
SP5 Donald Wood
SP5 Donald Wood
7 y
I do not drink coffee. I drink tea. The only time I drank coffee (and it was Postum) was to kill the taste of the chlorine (I do not think it was iodine) in the tanks of water they brought to the field in 1969.
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