Posted on Sep 14, 2016
SFC Standardization Instructor
I have an NCO who is being forced to compete in an Audie Murphy board 8 days after notification. Is there any justification to get him out of it? The 1SG is relentless, and the CSM is unresponsive pertaining to the situation.

This is a good NCO, who doesn't want to make a fool of himself at a prestigious Corps level board.

Note: Photo added by RP staff.
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Responses: 360
GySgt Logistics Chief
I am a Marine so I may be speaking out of turn here...

It is his lack of confidence in himself and, depending on how you want to look at it, a failure of his direct leadership to articulate to him the actual prestige and honor being given him by being nominated for the board.

Like someone else said, someone, at some level, thought well enough of the individual to nominate him for the board. If he doesnt win, so what? At least he will have the experience, and confidence, for the next one. Giving the guy a "pass" is not doing him any favors on a number of different levels.
Sgt Charles Reeder
Sgt Charles Reeder
>1 y
Hell yeah Gunny, learn and take that to the next board! Been there myself, I didn't win but I learned and it made me a better Marine because I went back and study for the next time!
SSgt William Wimbush
SSgt William Wimbush
>1 y
I concur with you 100℅ hell I was nominated for a meritorious Sergeant board when I was a Corporal. From that experience I received excellent exposure for other boards, and leadership commitments from out the command. I was walking on water from that point on! Got selected/promoted to Staff Sergeant shortly thereafter. Oooooh Rah, Happy birthday Marine!!!
CAPT Hiram Patterson
CAPT Hiram Patterson
8 y
Gunny tells it straight!
CPO Nate S.
CPO Nate S.
8 y
GYSGT - Roger that! The experience is not about failure. It is about building confidence!
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SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
This happened at my unit as well. The 1SG gathered all the company E-7s and E-6s in a room and told us we weren't going home until we gave him two names (primary and alternate).
After about an hour and listing everyone who could not due to profiles and/or ETS/PCS/Retirement, there were only two people left. They were not too happy, and I sympathize with them.

I always thought boards like these were for those who wanted to compete for something to show their excellence. To make these events a voluntold event just degrades their value, IMHO.
SFC Infantryman
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I went and was inducted into the club back in 2009. At the time I didn't want to go. My 1sg at the time told me he didn't care what I wanted and that I deserved it and would be a great addition to the club. I went and I did well. I had more prep time then this fellow but at the end of the day it take a day or two to memorize the Audie stuff and if you are a good candidate then you will be able to answer the questions to the best of your ability.
SSG Matthew Peterson
SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Matthew Peterson - "Esprit de Corps"
SSG Grant Hansen
SSG Grant Hansen
>1 y
Cpl Duffy Campfield - My SGM was being a dick and thought that every soldier should and would just do as their told with no questions. Also, he was screwing up my one and only chance to be trained by Special Forces (something that would be very handy at my next duty station) for his own glory.

Hopefully, he learned a valuable lesson not to be a glory hound at the expense of his troops professional development.
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CPL(P) V5-Military Police Investigator
I learned, never say no.
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