Posted on Jul 22, 2014
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
It seems as if some people are asking ridiculous questions on here in what I can only imagine is for stepping up the percentage ladder. I joined this site to better myself, both professionally and personally; to gain insight into the knowledge and experience that my seniors, peers and subordinates have to share. In the hopes of not being ironic (this is the first discussion I have started), what are your thoughts on some of the discussions you have seen? I will not draw attention to their titles as not to defend anyone or label which ones I feel have no business on here. I also think we all know which ones I may be speaking about!! Or maybe you feel as if all discussions have some meaning (that is possible due to how many responses I see)? I'd just like to know what everyone feels about the purpose for this site and the discussions that are a part of it?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 13
SFC Stephen Carden
Personally, I think that you can learn something even from the ridiculous topics. Many times I have seen a silly question spark discussion that led to a more serious topic. This is absolutely a professional forum, but who says we can't let our hair down a little bit too? I agree with MSG Wade Huffman in that more lighthearted "water cooler" dicussions serve to help new members assimilate and gain enough confidence to participate in other discussions. Sure, some of these topics may seem silly to you, and that's OK. What matters is that dialogue has been opened and connections have been made. I respectfully recommend that everybody needs to lighten up every once in a while.
SFC Stephen Carden
SFC Stephen Carden
>1 y
Thank you, Sir.
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
>1 y
I agree that some of the discussions that seem ridiculous to me have sparked dialogue that have served to benefit the population of this site. Fortunately I was bored at times and chose to actually see how some responded to those discussions. I definitely believe that we should be able to loosen things up, especially since this is not a DOD website but I also believe there is a difference between lightening up and starting discussions based on nonsense. This is the great thing about this site. We can disagree on things and still benefit from the discussions that ensue. Thanks for your thoughts SFC Stephen Carden.
SFC Stephen Carden
SFC Stephen Carden
>1 y
Have a hefe weissen and a doner for me SFC Folger. So jealous..... Germany!
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
>1 y
SFC Stephen Carden - Me, too! I was a Pacific guy: Nam, Hawaii and Korea. I did get to Germany for REFORGER '85 as a 4th ID(M) tank company CO. Sadly, I wound up getting a staph infection and blood clots in my right lower leg and almost lost it below the knee. Spent a week in hospital in Landstuhl and then 10 days in 93d Evac in Frankfurt before getting medevaced back to Ft. Carson. I got my command back and later got command of our battalion's HHC. . . .
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
For some us, its a place to hang and make new friends. You'd be surprised once you start talking it up on these posts how much you learn about and learn from the individuals you meet. RP is probably the only social network site, as a whole, where everybody has a military prospective on things. Sometimes that alone is enough to keep one tuned in here.
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1SG Company First Sergeant
Like you pointed out yourself SFC Folger, quite ironic that you started a thread about people starting threads with no professional building base content.

What would you like to see? What topic do you need help on?

My goal here is to help provide professional guidance where I can, refer the person that asks a question that I don't have an answer to, to someone who I think might. Helping other Soldiers and leaders out is what I am here for.
MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) ha ha ha... this was my exact first thought when I saw the thread title.
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
And he's good at it too CSM (Join to see) !
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Well thanks for the encouragement MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca .

Great minds think alike I guess MAJ (Join to see)
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
>1 y
Well stated 1SG (Join to see).

CSM (Join to see), there are several admins on this site that work to help the main RallyPoint staff with monitoring the forums and providing oversight on the discussions. We do take action on those discussions that either (a) do not follow the policy set forth by RallyPoint or (b) are duplicates.

I will say this, this particular topic has been discussed several times and we all agree, the different topics are good. This site services more than just SMs. It is always good to share ideas, thoughts, and reactions to different things. As a Veterans' Advocate, I feel that I, along with other Veterans, are in a great spot to help Service Members starting their transition by providing information on the road bumps we encountered. This site is also a great place to share ideas on current events and everything. Either way, if you feel there is a discussion that doesn't follow the guidelines, you can click on the feedback button the right of your screen or look for one us admins (we have the stars next to our pictures) and let us know. We will look at the discussion and take the appropriate action.
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