Hello, some of my peers and NCO in my sections have said that I am a introvert because I don't hang out with them outside of work or on the weekends. I don't know if they are taken it the wrong way ,but I was always that you can't be friend with your boss especially in the military because with friendship come loyalty. So, I don't want to jerpodize my professionalism with them by saying or doing something that out of line that I will to deal with in the future. However,by social networkings and making friends in the military it can benifit me for my career or future. Can someone please help me out.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
Depends. Have I hung out with my squad leader or section NCOIC before? Yes. I've even had BBQ's and had a few beers with them too. Difference is, we knew how to differentiate "work" from "social" life. Can you do that with everyone? NO! But with some, yes you can. Just gotta be mature about it. Off duty, you can be pals, even best friends. But On Duty, you HAVE to be professional and conduct yourself as a soldier. If he/she happens to be your superior, DO NOT expect special treatment. If anything, you should work harder, you don't want to let your "buddy" down and get them in trouble because you thought that since you were "buddies" you could be a shitbag and get away with it.
Hang out? No. But sometimes I will have dinner with my subordinate leaders (ie head nurses and ward NCOICs) for team building.
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