Posted on Jul 11, 2014
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
Anyone else see in their "Your Points and Notifications" a bar that says "Notification Removed" instead of a point value and who did what to alert you? Does that happen when someone posts and it is edited or removed by them, removed by administrators, the person likes then unlikes your post, or all of the above? I saw it once, now I see it like two to three times a week. I am just curious or if it is just MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca or CPT (Join to see) toying with me.
Posted in these groups: 2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 11
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
And you officers wonder why we enlisted only let you play with crayons.......
Cpl Helicopter Mechanic, CH-46
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
I just remeber the saying "it takes a 4 year degree to break it and a high school education to fix it" A ch46 mechanic 6112
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
uh..... you a servicemember or a Vet.......??? just asking
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
PO1 (Join to see), you have one helluva sense of humor! I bet it helps now that you're retired and pick on anyone for anything, eh. Just looking at your pic I'm thinking you sound quite like Ben Stein, don't you?
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
Ben Stein? uhhhhhh...NO. I guess I do have a different way of looking at things. It helps when you don't take yourself so seriously. There are many, many serious, ungodly, terrible situations in this world - too many of us have been exposed to them - whether we wanted to be or not. To be honest, it's taken a few years to get to the point where I can actually sit back and laugh at myself and the world.

I have to honestly reach out and give "props" to those who allow me to ride a little roughshod on their public online persona. There is always a little give and a little take when humor comes to the fore. But, no matter how much frivolity abounds we must always give respect before we earn respect - no matter what your rank, position or authority. I'm not talking about the legally mandated respect required by uniform, etc - I'm talking about the personal respect one earns by (a) treating all with respect (b) taking care of junior personnel assigned to us before we take care of ourselves (c) take care of our families and (d) then take care of ourselves. I'm sure the other branches of service have a similar ethos. It made sense to me long ago:

Nation (Country), Ship, Shipmates, Self

When I first saw that I asked an old salt: "what about familiy?" He looked at me, tilted his head and replied: "aren't they part of your country?".....not exactly what I was looking for, but it worked in the end.

None-the-less, thank you for the comment about my sense of humor...I'm sure my first ex-wife would be glad to hear that I found it.
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SSG Robert Burns
This happens when something is posted that is inconsistent with my beliefs. More commonly known as "wrong."
Just a QA/QC thing.
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MAJ Commander
Perhaps it is someone giving you a digit other than a thumb?
CPT Zachary Brooks
SSgt James Stanley
SSgt James Stanley
>1 y
Is that what you call a middle finger salute?
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
Yeah, middle finger salute to replace thumbs down. I think I'll start a new discussion and a poll who's with me heh heh
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
>1 y
I can think of a few individuals who from time to time deserve the great one finger salute. lol
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