Posted on Dec 8, 2013
Calling all Branches! What traditions can your branch, or the military as a whole, do without?
Responses: 38
60 minute speeches glorifying outgoing commanders at change of commands. Sure let the speak; however limit it to 15 minutes..
SSG (Join to see)
Even less time.
Nobody in formation cares what the speaker is saying, cause their at attention or parade rest.
Never cared who was leaving, taking over or what their history was. If I wanted to know it, it's in the pamphlets and later posted online.
I swore in to follow lawful orders regardless of who was in command.
Nobody in formation cares what the speaker is saying, cause their at attention or parade rest.
Never cared who was leaving, taking over or what their history was. If I wanted to know it, it's in the pamphlets and later posted online.
I swore in to follow lawful orders regardless of who was in command.
SSG Dennis O'Connor
I’ve been retired for a few years but I seem to recall an actual regulation that dictates an allotted time limit for outgoing/incoming commander remarks. Couldn’t begin to remember the minute limits but I assume it was meant to limit the endless droning at CofC ceremonies
MSG Thomas Currie
It wouldn't be quite so bad if the speeches weren't all the same. Outgoing commander says how proud he is of having commanded this find unit, recaps a few of the unit accomplishments (cribbed from his OER Support Form) and then says how sad he is to be leaving this great unit but that the service is sending him to a new assignment. Incoming commander says how proud he is to be taking command of this terrific unit, how he is confident everyone will give him the same outstanding performance they gave the previous commander, and how the unit will continue to do great things in the future.
I only saw one change of command that ever broke from that script. Outgoing commander made the standard speech. Incoming commander stepped up and said something like "Now I'm supposed to tell you how proud I am to be assuming command of this battalion. Well I'm not going to say that, because I'm not proud of this unit and you aren't proud to be here -- but we'll have another formation in a month and then I'll tell you that I'm proud of the unit, because you'll be proud to be here -- or you won't be here." That incoming commander turned around what had been a piss poor unit into a good one. It took him more than a month, but we were well on the way in that first month.
I only saw one change of command that ever broke from that script. Outgoing commander made the standard speech. Incoming commander stepped up and said something like "Now I'm supposed to tell you how proud I am to be assuming command of this battalion. Well I'm not going to say that, because I'm not proud of this unit and you aren't proud to be here -- but we'll have another formation in a month and then I'll tell you that I'm proud of the unit, because you'll be proud to be here -- or you won't be here." That incoming commander turned around what had been a piss poor unit into a good one. It took him more than a month, but we were well on the way in that first month.
It's a shame that they got rid of tacking on crows, or the ceremonies involved with crossing the line or blue nose... all because of "hazing"... honestly, some mild hazing is ok. it builds character and strength, and builds the feelings of camaraderie.
SSG John Jensen
I was one of the last in the 82d (unless they brought it back) to make a 'cherry' jump with a 'cherry' helmet - it was a night jump so what was the point?
PO1 William Stoneback
There is still shellback initiation just minus the physical abuse. Still not a pleasant day for wogs just no lasting bruises or injuries. I was initiated under the old system but look at the new system and still honor those sailors as shellbacks
SPC (Join to see)
Everything about the military builds character, strength, and camaraderie. Hazing is not ok.
Why are we looking to get rid of traditions because it's "just a waste of time"?
Sgt Thomas Proctor
PO1 Charles Norris - Try doing away with civilian jobs and it won't be long before you will see the politicians up putting on a show about how important these jobs are to the military and the community.
SPC (Join to see)
SGM Matthew Quick getting rid of traditions will benefit the military and the country. It's stupid to keep doing something stupid just because it's what you've always done. Nothing about tradition benefits the military, so getting rid of it will.
SPC (Join to see)
SGM Matthew Quick here's a better idea: stop being a dick to your soldiers by pretending traditions are important. Training people and putting them to work gives them a sense of purpose. Traditions just make people wanna off themselves.
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