Posted on Jul 5, 2016
Will The FBI Findings Today Hurt Hillary's Campaign??
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 24
Sgt Mark Ramos
Exactly! So the answer is no, it won't hurt her campaign since her supporters don't care. It's sad, frustrating, and aggravating. It's a bad omen for the rule of law and common sense. What's most amazing is that even with the blistering condemnation of Secretary Clinton's reckless disregard, her supporter will see this as vindication of their support.
MCPO Roger Collins
Delays in providing information requested by DOJ for 27 months. Check. Meet with AG and set up results of FBI investigation with Bill. Check. Make sure of FBI recommendations and promise to take it as if they were unknown. Check. Announce results within hours of interviews as if it was incorporated and compared with what was known. Check. Now we know who Hillary's FBI Director and AG will be. All is good. God Save the Queen!
CSM Charles Hayden
COL Jean (John) F. B. There you go again Colonel! You forgot, HRC has already apologized and won't do that again!
Any, officer, NCO, or private in the U.S. military would be wearing an orange uniform for the EXACT same conduct and failures.
SFC Stephen King
Capt (Join to see) I am not surprised Slick Willy has taught her well. My concern is how it has been handled.
No, those who were certain Clinton was guilty are still certain Clinton is guilty, those who believed it was all a lot of hype about nothing still believe it's a lot of hype about nothing. One thing I will say, is that had you or I handled classified information in such a way... we would be facing criminal charges.
We might as well start giving them noble titles like Countess and Duke if they are not subject to the same laws as we commoners.
We might as well start giving them noble titles like Countess and Duke if they are not subject to the same laws as we commoners.
CPT Pedro Meza
SSG (Join to see) - News flash the GOP will dump Trump and Hillary will nominate him as her VP.
SSG (Join to see)
CPT Pedro Meza - That would be an interesting development, when you look at the negativity numbers of both candidates. Most Trump voters are really voting against Clinton, and I believe that roughly half of Clinton supporters are really just voting against Trump. Bob Dole would be able to trounce a Clinton/Trump team.
CPT Pedro Meza
SSG (Join to see) - All depends on the GOP, but given the fact that they have permitted the T-Party to take control I do not expect much from the GOP.
SSG (Join to see)
CPT Pedro Meza - The Republican party at it's core is the same as the Democratic party at it's core, the core of each is Corporate. These elections are more like a WWF match than real competition. The politicians say horrible things about each other, throw each other around the ring, but at the end of the day they get in the same car to go back to their hotel and share a beer. It's all a circus. I believe having 5-10 major parties instead of two would make corruption and collusion between corporations and government a little more difficult.
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