Posted on Jul 1, 2014
Things you shouldn't say to a veteran?
This is an interesting article, I definitely agree with some of the points! What would you add?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
My Grandfather, a retired Ssgt of the Marine Corps would not even talk about anything involving kills. He LOVED his Corps and lived for the Ball every year. The year I enlisted I was able to attend two different Balls and a luncheon with him, the last I would ever get to go to with him. He always talked fondly of the pranks (I.D. 10 T. form ect) and of course any stories that made the Corps shine. If you asked him what he did, it was always a resound "I made the coffee." He retired in 75 so there was a LOT more than coffee making in his don't ask about kills...EVER! Face it, anyone who has a soul or a heart does not brag about taking another life, regardless of the reason for taking it.
Excellent article, LTC David S. Chang, ChFC®, CLU®! Not only do the authors tell folks what NOT to say, they offer suggestions for what TO SAY. That makes for a very informative and helpful article. I haven't heard the "what not to say" comments from anyone, but my circle of friends is mostly military. Again, I especially liked the suggestions for what to say to veterans. Thanks for sharing this, sir.
My answer to "did you ever kill someone?" is always: "Not on purpose...." with a totally straight face. ;o)
SPC Charles Brown
LTC Paul Labrador in response to "did you ever kill someone" I ask the individual if they are volunteering? This usually gets them to leave me alone really fast.
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