Posted on Jun 24, 2016
If a soldier sends someone an unpleasant message after they retire can they get in trouble?
If a soldier sends someone who is still active duty a message (after they get out) expressing their feelings about that person. Can the person be persecuted?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
This active duty person should immediately file the attached report and go to their safe space.
Contrary to current liberal and collegiate way of thinking, words do not infact hurt unless you let them.
if a threat was communicated then perhaps a different path other than to simply ignore is appropriate. . But as you have stated no threats were made .. ignore and move on, you reacting to the words gives them meaning and bite.
Contrary to current liberal and collegiate way of thinking, words do not infact hurt unless you let them.
if a threat was communicated then perhaps a different path other than to simply ignore is appropriate. . But as you have stated no threats were made .. ignore and move on, you reacting to the words gives them meaning and bite.
SGM Erik Marquez
It was a sassy way of saying.... let it go, its just words.. you can not feel disrespected from words spoken, unless you have respect for the one saying them, or they apply.. IOW, if you dont care they dont matter.
SGT David Stead
You can let it go these kids take that as I can do it and nothing will happen to me. Military Bearing is nonexistent it the young service men an women in today's military for just that reason. You let it all go and do nothing.
Who gives a shit unless that message or letter, whatever it may be, is of a threatening nature. Other then that, f-ck'em!
Sgt Joseph Baker
Go on youtube and search DI speech. You will find multiple videos of Sr DIs giving the same exact speech, male or female, San Diego or Parris Island. I about died laughing. I remember once being called into the hut and getting a right-cross from nowhere when I got in there. I had been a little too mouthy. Still get a chubby watching those recruits on pick up day, shell-shocked eyes as the DIs race up and down the quarterdeck screaming like mad men, oh it brings back such fond memories...ok, not that fond.
Sgt Kenneth Nolla
It would just show immaturity. Not a very good trait. Also, when you retire from the service you want to keep networked as best possible with old aquiainces, keep bridges rather than burn them, in order to secure good jobs and options later. Show seniority, show discipline, display tact. Keep your thoughts to yourself. Now, if you see the asshole in a bar now that changes the situation
Report it to your local Political Commissar. This person sounds like they are undermining the Rodina!
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