Posted on Jun 18, 2016
ENS Naval Officer   Ip Student
Marijuana use is currently prohibited under UCMJ Article 112. However, with many states legalizing its recreational use, how long before the military amends UCMJ Article 112, allowing its use? Having never used with marijuana, I cannot speak from experience, however it could be argued that it has less negative effects than alcohol or tobacco. A THC Breathalyzer is also on the market now.
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 148
MSG Pat Colby
I dislocated my shoulder doing a PLF on a fallen tree on a parachute jump back in the 80's. It pops out of socket at least once a year. I pop it back in, cry for 5 minutes and am unable to use the arm for a few weeks afterwards. I partake in a bit of smoke when this happens so I can get some sleep.

I see no difference between pot and alcohol. De-criminalize it.
1SG Joseph Yorski, MHS
1SG Joseph Yorski, MHS
1 y
Cpl Andy Krueger, got it. You topped out in the Corps as an E-4 and now you smoke weed all day and disparage law enforcement.

Hey, every agency I know is hiring. If you can do better, you should apply! But just know they ALL have drug tests.
Cpl Andy Krueger
Cpl Andy Krueger
1 y
1SG Joseph Yorski, MHS again making inferences without zero knowledge of anything. Typical of your kind.
No thanks on the job, never aspired to professionally violate civil rights.
Got a very thriving small business. But of course you wouldnt know anything about that, got to suck off the government tit your whole life. Drown your sorrows of your divorce and your children hating you, in your bottle of Jack every night, self righteous one.
I know you're divorced
1SG Joseph Yorski, MHS
1SG Joseph Yorski, MHS
1 y
Cpl Andy Krueger, champ, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m remarried, but as tomorrow’s our 12th anniversary, I’ll take your congratulations. I don’t drink hard liquor, I’ve got three pensions so far and working on the fourth. Kids are great, thanks! See, you think all cops violate civil rights, all 1SG’s are bad, etc., etc. It’s tiring, like this conversation. But I wish you luck anyway. I think you need it more than I do.
Cpl Andy Krueger
Cpl Andy Krueger
1 y
f you actually had some integrity and accountability in your profession so many people wouldn't be talking badly about you

But you're right it is tiring to see how many abuses you people do it are hsrdly held accountable for it
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited >1 y ago
Not only does the military allow the consumption of alcohol, it facilitates it. Why not marijuana? ...and no, I don't use marijuana. Never have. And I largely gave up alcohol when I turned 21. All the fun went out of it
SSG Howard Church
SSG Howard Church
>1 y
There are some important differences between alcohol and marijuana. The body can process onestandard drink, 12 fl oz beer, 5fl oz wine and 1.5 fl oz of hard liquor, in about 1 hour. That is to say one drink will be out of your system in an hour and no longer be detectable. by breathalyzer blood or urine test. If you smoke one joint that one joint will be in your system for a month
ENS Naval Officer   Ip Student
ENS (Join to see)
8 y
PV2 Aaron Bennett - It is much safer than smoking, however it is by no means harmless. Look up "popcorn lung". My parents are in the medical field and are starting to see more cases of this. Nicotine poisoning is also on the rise as people are smoking e-cigs as a more frequent rate than cigarets because of the "cool vapor" effect..

Is it better than smoking cigarets and cigars? Absolutely. Is it harmless - no.
ENS Naval Officer   Ip Student
ENS (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Howard Church - Not true. Though it will remain in hair follicles for upwards of 90 days, THC can be otherwise undetectable in as little as 24 - 72 hours. However, in a frequent user, THC can and will remain in the body and fat cells for upwards of 30 days.

And that is just for drug testing purposes. The EFFECTS it has on someones neurological functions dissipates between 1-4 hours depending on how it was administered (i.e smoked or ingested).
CPO Bernie Penkin
CPO Bernie Penkin
1 y
LTC Trent Klug - I agree with you on this. Narcotic crime has only gotten worse since the legalization. (I live in Washington and work in Oregon BTW) Fatal crashes have increased on the highways as well. There has also been an increase of ER visits for kids who eat their parents edibles. Pets have been affected by this as well. Marijuana is a lot stronger now than ever before. There is a higher risk of cancer with use. The deleterious effects of the drug remain in the system up to six months after smoking it too. Most folks listened to the legalization propaganda and never heard the negative side.
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LTC Kevin B.
Unless it's legalized at the Federal level for recreational use, I don't think it will happen anytime soon (maybe a generation or two).
ENS Naval Officer   Ip Student
ENS (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you, LTC. I have the same standpoint. Regardless of my personal opinion on the matter, I cannot logically see it remaining prohibited "forever". In the coming years I definitely think marijuana use in the military will become a topic of heavy discussion, especially in regards to the UCMJ.
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
there has been some talk about it medically by the feds, but until approved, i dont think so
SSgt Veronica Fraga
SSgt Veronica Fraga
>1 y
I agree that it would need to be decriminalized at the federal level first. I did three DoD summer internships and was reminded of this fact before they sent me to do each chain-of-custody drug test. Changes to the UCMJ would be administrative, once changes to the federal law itself were made.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
1 y
SSgt Veronica Fraga: "Changes to the UCMJ would be administrative, once changes to the federal law itself were made."
Nope! Not "administrative" at all. The UCMJ is not some military regulation, it really is federal law, the military only reprints it as the Manual for Courts Martial, and again as the Uniform Code of Military Justice, but the entire text of the UCMJ is enacted by congress and would have to be changed by congress.

Look up10 U.S. Code Chapter 47 to find the entire UCMJ
or you can look up 10 U.S. Code § 912a to find UCMJ Article 112a

And, oh by the way, when congress eventually changes 21 U.S. Code § 812 to legalize medical marijuana as a prescription drug that won't automatically change 10 U.S. Code § 912a
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