Posted on Jun 23, 2014
If you are working in emergency management, what aspect do you enjoy most?
Responses: 3
Nice read! I volunteer as a member of my town's CERT (community emergency response team). We train on everything from first aid to shelter management and light search and rescue. It's a good start for someone getting out or in the NG or USAR. We even reinvigorated our local HAM group and EM armature radio net with the town paying for our training and tickets.
I mostly enjoy using and maintaining my military skills for the benefit of my town and community.
I mostly enjoy using and maintaining my military skills for the benefit of my town and community.

Have any veterans/retirees joined a local CERT team? | RallyPoint
My town started a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) back in 2011 and I have found this a great place to keep my military skills and education working for me. Has anyone else done this? What are your experiences?
Great article! I think you are right on that soldiers have the right skills for the job. Of course, the National Guard is a great avenue in this regard.
I am wanting to get on w/ the MO SEMA. I have been trying for over a year now. I am also trying to get back in to the air guard & am considering x-training to EM from Security Forces.
I'm glad this area was pointed out to me. I hope I can get into the field & use this as a great tool!!!
I'm glad this area was pointed out to me. I hope I can get into the field & use this as a great tool!!!
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