Posted on Jun 7, 2016
SSG Ian Fernandez
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Responses: 6
SSG Senior Maintenance Supervisor
Edited >1 y ago
It appears your RE/SPD codes are not a 1 or a 2 (as you mentioned).
Getting them changed is HARD. The army put your record through a process and deemed you medically unfit, they are loathe to change their decision.

You seem to know that the VA rating will be removed, and you may or may not get it back.
You need to be aware of some other Army changes that my influence your decision, as someone mentioned AGR, and that may be your best option vs Active.

**USAREC may not be accepting Prior Service in your area, or at all. So get that part out of the way**

1. RCP. You will VERY LIKELY lose a rank to E5. Flat out, I can say from experience that unless you have SLC, ALC, WLC, under your belt, you will be demoted to E5, and that's assuming they will let you have your old MOS back. You may have too much time in to even be an E5 (non promotable) in the Army.
2. QSP. If you have ever had a bad NCOER, GOMOR, A15 the QSP magic machine will likely select you on the next QSP board. (unsure if you do, just tossing that out there).
3. Very likely, you may not get MEBd again. If you do, don't expect decent ratings, as you are kinda telling them... well im 50 and 80 now, but I can still deploy... WHY should they keep you at 50 and 80.
3. Why? I totally understand we love the Service, sometimes that is taken from us because of injuries. However, you have a 50/80. You are getting medical for you and your family for life, and 80% VA pay. Which, is actually more than the normal 50% retirement pay at E6. IMHO, you may be hurting yourself and your family more by pursuing this.

Lastly, as mentioned, frankly recruiters don't want to deal with a Prior Service as they are a PITA to get in. Added to that the VA disability nightmare... At my recruiting station, we gave PS the regulation and said.... here... get your packet together and we will submit it. (but that's it)

Just reread, and you got out in 2008?
Can you pass basic training again, cause.... ya... that's where you are headed.
"Prior Service ...entering Active Army will attend BCT if ... they have more than a 3 year break in Service"
SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
>1 y
Appreciate his passion to want to Soldier again, but really needs to do his research on PS eligibility before he voluntarily gives up his disability. Likely will be all for nothing and hurt himself for doing so.
SSG Ian Fernandez
SSG Ian Fernandez
>1 y
Thank you for all you advice. I will weight my options and the risk. I just want to finish my career, I don't care about going back to basic training. It wouldn't hurt to get a little refresher before returning to the Line unit.
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SPC Cavalry Scout
Are you on disability? If so, what rating? I actually just got back in last week after being out almost 5 yrs, I was at a 70% disability rating through the VA that I had to forfeit first and foremost before I could do anything. Other than that, it's all up to the recruiter. He CAN get you in, a lot of them just don't want to deal with prior service because they can't bullshit you anymore.
SSG Ian Fernandez
SSG Ian Fernandez
>1 y
Yes, I have a 80% combat related rating and a 50% by the Army. I've been cleared of my reason for retirement and I had my old driver who was working as a recruiter trying to get me back in. My main issue is getting my entry code dropped to a 1 or a 2 so I can re-enter active service.
SPC Cavalry Scout
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Ian Fernandez - As far as that goes, I don't know firsthand however, I have a friend trying to do the same thing. From what he tells me, when it comes to getting the RE Code changed , you have to submit for an appeal and go in front of a board, in your case a medical board. Unfortunately that's all I know about those types of situations. I hope it helps.
SSG Ian Fernandez
SSG Ian Fernandez
>1 y
Yes, thank you!
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CSM David Heidke
When is the baby due?
SSG Ian Fernandez
SSG Ian Fernandez
>1 y
CSM Heidke, I believe you have me mistaken with someone else.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
SSG Ian Fernandez - You did say "obstetrical"....
CSM David Heidke
CSM David Heidke
>1 y
SSG Ian Fernandez - sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm a wise ass. I fixed it.
SSG Ian Fernandez
SSG Ian Fernandez
>1 y
LoL! You got me CSM!
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