Posted on Dec 5, 2013
1SG First Sergeant
Should there be a federal firearms concealed carry permit? For example right now it goes state by state and then you need to look up the reciprocity for each state to see if they respect one another’s permits. Do you think that if you took required training that there should be a nationwide concealed carry permit and then you don’t need to worry about the reciprocity. I know there were talks of this but, I don’t think anything ever went through. What do you think?
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Responses: 22
MSG Brad Sand
There should not be a Federal Firearms concealed carry permit...actually, there should not be a need for a State one if anyone was able to read, because the Consititution is actually pretty clear on the subject.
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
>1 y
SGT Richard H.

While I do not want to speak for SSG (Join to see) , I am going to any ways, 'Slavery minded interpretation' goes toward those who have so forgotten their God given rights and freedoms that they support the liars...I.E. 'masters'...who know the Law but create a belief that the 2nd Amendment does not say a free citizen must have the ability to arm themselves to be able to protect themselves from those We put in place to represent us. Elected officials are not put there to rule us, they are there manage the affairs of the Republic, so the rest of us can live our lives.
Too many of our fellow citizens have forgotten their responsibilty as a citizen. There was a time when a person would refuse welfare because they understood that by accepting such money, they were enslaving themselves to the they line up for their chains and then demand more. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and if you are not paying cash, you are paying an even greater price.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
Amen Brother, as Bill Cosby so truthfully said, if you accept welfare, you are moving back to the plantation. Then the usual naysayers, Jessie Hijackson, Al Frankton, and Al Sharpton, came rushing in to denounce Bill as an Uncle Tom. The acceptance of welfare has destroyed marriage,lead the black people away from Christianity, and led many blacks into a life of crime for the easy money of dealing drugs.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Richard H., great question. MSG Brad Sand stated it very well but I'll add to it. There are many in our country who DO understand the true meaning of the 2A but deliberately twist it in order to deceive the people. This is done in order to keep the people ignorant of the truth and dependent on the government. It is essentially creating slaves of the people.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) & MSG Brad Sand I'm Tracking with you now. What you are saying supports what I've always believed, I've just never heard it phrased as a "slavery" mentality.
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
I do not support it for the most obvious reason: it is unconstitutional. In fact, I do not support the bulk of these "gun" laws on the books right now because they too are unconstitutional. Think about it.

The Constitution is the framework document that is the basis of the United States. It very specifically states and delineates the limited powers held by the federal government. The vast majority of powers are held at the state level and specifically the PEOPLE. The Constitution is the guarantee against ANY infringement of the people's rights by the government. The government cannot grant any rights. Rights are by definition naturally inherent to every human being. If the government has the capability to grant something then it also has the capability to take it away. This is not a RIGHT but a privilege. The Constitution also does not grant any rights but protects those rights from the meddling of the government. The people's unalienable natural rights come from God.

As I stated in the first paragraph, I want the bulk of gun laws eliminated. What must be in place are laws that punish the MISUSE of ANY object, regardless of what it is. If someone committs a rape, then they need to be harshly punished. If someone hits another with a bat, then they need to be harshly punished. If someone steals from another, then they need to be punished. If someone misuses a firearm against another, then they need to be severely punished. I could go on and on. Logic, science and facts are indisputable and undeniable although there are many who greedily and dishonestly deny them.
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LTC Program Manager
I prefer national reciprocity like we have with our drivers license.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
Probably the most logical approach.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) I agree. I'd rather not centralize any more control/enforcement than we absolutely have to.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
My take is that this is a God given RIGHT, therefore as the Founding Fathers intended, no restriction on law abiding citizens is allowed. No permits, no concealed carry only, no unloaded carry only. Constitution Carry and if needed to sort out the criminals from the law abiding citizens a note on drivers license, state id or federal id that the individual is law abiding and Constitution Carry is appropriate, watch the crime rate drop through the floor.
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSG John Wirts- Amen
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