Posted on Jun 21, 2014
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
When I was deployed, I was impacted by the stress and childhood trauma caused repressed memories to surface. If you are having vivid old memories surfacing, go get counseling.
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Responses: 7
SGT Shon D. Hill
I relate well to this, so much so that the VA disability doctor was sitting on the fence as to what was worse for my "PTSD" childhood or war? Both fucked me up plenty well, but I'm still here and still trying to do this life thing :) Booyah! Doc Hill
SGT Shon D. Hill
SGT Shon D. Hill
>1 y
Will do, thank you both. I will be going to Walla Walla VA in Washington, its about 2 hours away. Really love you all for caring, cause I am not well at all :(
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
SGT Shon D. Hill I feel your pain doc. I will definitely be praying for you. God bless!
SGT Shon D. Hill
SGT Shon D. Hill
>1 y
Thank you brother Steve :)
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
Any time Doc. If you ever need to talk, I can give you my number. I do not sleep well, so I am pretty much available anytime. I am no expert, but I have a willing ear.
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LCpl Mark Lefler
This is important more then people can realize.
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
>1 y
I think that I'm a bit of an asshole is because i spent so much time being bullied.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
LCpl Mark Lefler I think being bullied affected me the opposite way. I find I am more reserved, timid, and at times withdrawn because of bullying. But things affect us all differently. It has also led to me being extremely insecure at times.

I do admit that I no longer live in a bubble as I once did. Broke that shell.
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
>1 y
I guess it got to the point where I kind of stopped caring how others felt from what I said because clearly they didn't care about how I felt.
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
>1 y
MAJ Dews:

The original love map of the person, in a relationship aspect of know, love, trust, rely, commit, and touch is our interpersonal skills that impact every area of our life.

When an individual has the ability to dissociate it is due to the repeated trauma, duration of the trauma, and the intensity of the trauma.

The emotional numbness and being emotional unavailable becomes the vital factor that many get a divorce. I will share with you it is not just a male situation, when I came back from deployment, I was irritable, I tuned conversations out, and I needed to seek solitude.

The healing begins, when you can acknowledge your past pain, start telling your story. Take the initiative to get counseling, and how I transitioned was through education, and forming one genuine relationship at a time.
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MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
I was thinking about this thread this afternoon and thought I'd follow up - I wonder how many can't watch shows/movies about war anymore based upon experiences. Having worked in a CSH, I ordered the entire series of MASH when I got back, but couldn't watch it. I remember laughing at it as a kid, but some of the trauma room scenarios are too realistic. There are a number of movies as well (We were soldiers, Blackhawk Down) that I also choose not to watch anymore. Not sure if it's from what I've seen in life or what we all did downrange, but I can't watch those anymore. So although childhood trauma I believe is a contributor to PTSD, what we do/see downrange follows us back and has effects even on the civilian side.
MAJ Derrick J.
MAJ Derrick J.
>1 y
Talk therapy is the best evidence-based intervention for PTSD and other traumas
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Major Dews I believe that you are totally correct in that assessment sir. Childhood trauma may affect some areas of our lives, however adult experiences impact us just as much and even more on many ways and often does follow us throughout our careers and lives.
SGT Shon D. Hill
SGT Shon D. Hill
>1 y
I'm in total agreement with you Major Dews, I cant watch any war movies from this generation, and mostly at all period. My childhood was also so bad that I have just as many nightmares about that as I do on the war :( Doc
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