Posted on Jun 2, 2016
SFC Gary Edwards
This is the rank of Sergeant, not E-5!
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Responses: 21
SGM Erik Marquez
How hard would it be to refer to enlisted soldiers by their rank as opposed to their pay grade?
I don't understand your question?
A: Its not hard or difficult at all to follow the clear guidence which states you address a servicemember by thier rank.
B: Its not an option, so regardless of your perceived difficulty in doing so, using rank as the title of address is proper , addressing by paygrade is not.
SFC Gary Edwards
SFC Gary Edwards
9 y
SP5 Joel O'Brien - SP5? You're definitely and old soldier! I recall when the Army did away with that rank in the mid 80's. That Army is the one I remember fondly and that era has all but faded from our NBC, CTT, and land nav training memories. I'm actually referring to soldiers today, still on AD, or recently retired who when speaking of others or themselves will use pay grade as opposed to rank. I'm not talking about a discussion between individuals addressing each other. I'm talking about when speaking to them or hearing from them they will say, oh that E6 at the motor pool, or I am an E4, do you see that E5 over there? Only in this way. Of course they say I was counseled by SSG Hardcore or 1SG chewed me out. However casually they will use pay grade as opposed to rank.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
I've heard it used in conversations between members of different services, a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force is an E-5, a Private First Class in the USMC is an E-2. Using Pay Grade can at times avoid confusion.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
9 y
Good point.. I think by the time I started working in the Joint environment, and teh rank I was at.. I mostly referred to them as "Hey navy guy, come on over" "Marine come here a sec lets chat" AF folks are a little easier to decipher rank.
MSG Louis Alexander
MSG Louis Alexander
7 y
Why E-9 Marquez that's precise and to the point. I suppose the E-7 is a little confused.
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MGySgt James Forward
Easy, that's how we do it in the Marine Corps. Proper rank. The only Marine called Sgt is in fact just that a Sgt. Semper Fi.
SFC Gary Edwards
SFC Gary Edwards
9 y
And as it should be! Semper Fi Master Gunny!
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
9 y
MGySgt James Forward I agree Master Gunnery Sergeant. The Marine Corps dos not have this problem. Semper Fi.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
7 y
I'll have to agree with the Marines on this one. I think we should address everyone as their proper rank. Even the Navy's method of addressing sailors as Rate and Rank is you figure out all the rating abbreviations. That isn't current Army regulation, but it should be.
MSG David Johnson
MSG David Johnson
7 y
I made this mistake in 2003 when I addressed a Marine Staff Sergeant as Sergeant.
He had been sitting behind a desk, he stood up at parade rest and stated "Sergeant First Class Johnson, my name is Staff Sergeant Brown. How may I assist you?"
After he left the room my buddy explained my mistake to me, that was the last time I made that mistake.
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SFC David Pope, MBA
I never heard anyone referred to by pay grade, except when it had to do with the VA or reserving military lodging.
MSG Louis Alexander
MSG Louis Alexander
7 y
Why E-7 Pope, that's amazing...
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