Posted on May 11, 2016
CSM Geologist
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Responses: 220
SGM Erik Marquez
Edited >1 y ago
Fort Benning School for wayward kids and 20 years old.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
9 y
SGM Erik Marquez Your rep proceeded you? Did your father really share your childhood antics?
1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
1stSgt (Join to see)
9 y
My son went to MCRD SD 4 months after I retired from there. He was that guy.
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
>1 y
I was that guy... BOTH my parents were Marines...

Ft Jackson & Parris Island
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WO1 Test And Evaluation Nco
I completed OSUT at Fort Knox and was 25 years old. I joined a bit later than I originally intended but it has been one of the most productive decisions of my life.
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
Edited 9 y ago
Marine Corps Recruit Depot - San Diego. I was 18 and departed for recruit training the day after graduating High School.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
>1 y
I joined AF Ready Reserve at 17(on my Birthday, June 22, ‘70). I used the Reserves own recruiting flyer about being like a part-time job.. They tried to dissuade me.. I’d been in the AFJROTC program and frankly I wanted s’thing more fulfilling.. My plan was to get through BMT before school started
so I could start my Senior year. The School Superintendent told me if I completed BMT He was all for me going.... he had to get a waiver from the school board and the State board of Edu. They said sure.. because they didn’t think I could do it. The previous summer I went to Medina the AF OTS school. They had a 6 week break. We’d be there 4 weeks with a week on either end..
College ROTC Cadets and their advisors would run the course.. We all received our completion of Cadet Programs award.. when I entered the AF I would be an A1C(E-3).. although I wouldn’t put it on until completion of BMT. I had already done and passed the battery test.. the recruiter had it for me.. anyway that year I was 17 I signed on and my parents signed for me.. That Friday, June 26 I had my final physical in Detroit and took the oath.. There were a few other 17 yr. olds.. They were not that far from their 18th B-day.. So I went through BMT, took and passed a SKT for 3 Level( I’d had Voc-tech and worked for my Great Aunt who was a Certified, Degree’d Chef from a premier Culinary school in Europe.
My Uncle had put her through(financed her). When she graduated he married her.. He was an enlisted aide at the time for a
Marine General attached to the Embassy and the ambassador’s Advisor.. Anyway, Uncle Retired after 32 years in the Corps.. Returned home and he and Aunty opened the Restaurant in North Michigan.. I moved up there and did Voc-tech, ROTC and working for her through the Voc-tech program. Well that Sr. Year there’d be no more ROTC.. just the Tech program and working there.. Uncle had his heart attack when I was at BMT.. He told me to stay and finish
Because it would screw up finishing in time for completion and starting Sr. Year. (Would have to recycle or pick up with another flight). I got back and Uncle had to hire a guy to do a lot of stuff he did himself.. He was still a major force.. Running the business end.. taught me some stuff.. associated with running the restaurant.. Aunty knew too..
I had planned on the AF even though Uncle is a Marine... Before the coronary he threw a couple guys out.. they were making inappropriate comments to the waitress.. She returned and brought them to-go boxes and their bill and said clear out after paying..
They just sat staring.. she whistled a sharp whistle and Uncle came from the back.. took them to the front and cashed them out and escorted them out.. had each by an arm.. That was the last we ever seen of them.. The new house fix it guy was also a Marine... and would be the Security guy too..
I was doing a lot of extra drill weekends.. not local ones in Mi. Either .. W-P AFB, OH., Grissom AFB, Indiana.. Cold Lake CFB, Alberta Ca., Labrador, Ca., (Goose bay). I returned after those mini
Vacays. as I called them.. and i’d
Appropriated some pullover polo golf type shirts.. I’d wear them a couple weeks later.. I brought one teacher back a little statuette if the
Goose and a C-141 Cargo plane flying side by side almost.. I snuck it in and put it atop her file cabinet in the corner of the room.. I went in one day and it was gone... She’d taken it home.. Next spring an opportunity came up and I was offered the chance to go Active Air Force.. At that time, experienced cooks, E-3 and up were needed.. I had a small minor prob.. well 2 of them.. 3? .. TIS/TIG, and 2 weeks of school.. Well school was solved.;
I had all the creds I needed. A few earlier years I had summer school.
So how would that help? The Principsl and Super put their heads together and brainstormed... They agreed all them 4 day weekends I deployed.. would count as education .. learning about life..
We did have a class like that.. they added it to my transcript.. my earning A1C would equal an “A”....
They got some performance evals from my Reserves.. transcribed my points to grades.. An A is 4 points
I had a lot of nines and 8s on them reports.. they totaled nicely.. about 50 points .. a lot of As and Bs.. They cut my diploma and gave me a copy of my transcript.. and I was gone ! My destination would be McGuire AFB, NJ.. I’d be assigned to a Reserve group up to my 18th B-day. I’d also have a year in grade and service((s’thing would change).... A few months up the Hwy.., A clerk in the personnel office totaled my extra drill time. From the Reserves and then added
To the drill time and found my TIS/TIG could of been a earlier date.. Gee, I’m Active Duty so how will that help, I asked.. if approved we can make your TIS/TIG earlier by a few months .. somewhat still confused.. Yiur date for Sergeant will come a couple months sooner and your test date for SSGT. the same way.. “Well your the pros at doing this kind of stuff.. My dates for award. Of the 5 skill level didn’t change. No big deal on that . I still did the books in very good time..
Earn’g that level faster gave me added responsibility .. I proved I could handle what they put to me..
I had some good LoEs; Letter of Evals from the deploys I came back from .. They used for my Job performance on my APR before Transferring from Reserve to AD.
After Transfer they said that WAS
then, THIS is now ! A whole new ball game Airman !.. So I did show them.. I did the “shut up and listen”
That was important to moving
Forward.. On of the days I was on 3rd cook detail(Veg’s ) The 1st Cook had trouble.. his sauce broke..
come apart.. he’d had it boiling to hard.. I showed him how to repair it without it looking like that or tasting like that.. we got a big pitcher a moved a couple of them’s worth to a 10 gallon kettle... and got it simmering.. We made up a roux
(Equal part flour and butter). I liked using a peanut butter consistency
roux... I got a dipper of the broke
Gravy and added to the roux and
Stirred it up, stretching the roux a little.. got the pot to boiling and added some of the roux to it .. it tightened nicely. It had to work to get the floury taste out.. We got the other 40 gallon kettle going.
And added the rest of that roux to it.. it would take longer.. we got the 1st dhort vatch done and got a side dish and spoons and we could see it was good.. So we panned it and in the warmer and on the line.. He wanted to make me affirm I would tell no one... It’s like this: if Sarge asks I have to tell.. I’ll make sure none of the others are around..
Later he put on SSGT. And got the shift.. He was going to make another A1C that was going to put on SGT his 1st Cook.. Sarge.. I know for s fact that “Z” has orders for overseas and be gone in a few months.. So give me 1st C. and I’ll be a while .. and the other Airmen can get used to me... funny thing happened... orders came for me too
It seems they were sitting on them awhile.. oh.. how nice!... I was still around longer .. We had to get another Cook ready to be the 1st...
I had other classes to do before leaving.. get my Mil driver license..
go fire again at the range.. Oh I had to go to the field kitchen school for working in a field sit-rep.. Fort Lee was faster/closer than going to Colorado.. this way I got back quicker. To go to Colorado, I had to leave in a couple weeks for a month, do it and then go to Vietnam from there... going to Fort Lee, it’d Be a month, come back, work a month, then leave and Nam.. I liked about going to Colorado.. ..
When time came, off to Virginia I went.. A SSGT. There thought I was a pipeline student out of BMT. His 1SGT straightened him out.. I had a room with another guy.. He was a E4 Sgt. So we got through our course.. and I went back to McGuire.. I felt liked I got hosed..
Oh well, stuff happens you don’t have to like it, just get it done !..
While I was gone, Amn C. Was 1st Cook.. (why, I wonder, what can he do?). So I gave Sarge relief and I
I guided A1C C. It was a challege but he was paying attention and getting things done... .. getting the meats done w/ outburning half of them. Getting the line started on time seemed to be a challenge but he overcame that.. by time I left to go on pcs leave, he had control of what was happening around him...
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 y
SSgt Boyd Herrst - ... I Also Signed Up On My 17 th Birthday.. 06/29/1961..
What Was Termed "My Senior Year" Was Mid 9th Grade,,,, Public Schools Only Lack ONE Thing.......An EDUCATION. I Quit In Order To BE Educated; So I Educated Myself Well Enough To Be A Purchasing Dept. Manager For FMC & And Business Owner For 27 Years Before My Retirement At 56.....Absolutely DUMB As White Dried Dog Crap.... I Was Actually Hired By Our School District.....Here's What Every American Parent Should Know....."It's NOT A Rumor; Your Kids Really ARE Stupid"..... I'm Talk'en Bottom Line Ignorant,,, Nearly Non-Functional And May Only Be Hired As A Door Stop...
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 y
SSgt Boyd Herrst - .. About The Same Here With These Exceptions. I QUIT Public Schools Mid 9th Grade & Completed Multiple Programs Through USAFI, NAVEPERS, Univ Of Arkansas & University Of California Berkeley.. My First Program, Was Just After My H.S . GED: 2 Months After My Assignment, Out Of Basic...... Then I Continued, Without A Break Until 10 Days Before Discharge Coming Out Of OSAN AFB South Korea... 28 Programs Total. ...;Then Full Retirement At 56, As I Sold My Businesses..
"Life's FUN When You're Having FLIES"
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 y
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - ...
UH... Rick..(Me), You're Talking To Yourself AGAIN
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