Posted on Jun 11, 2014
SFC Scott O.
On Camp Casey, KS we have a new Duty on the weekend. Courtesy Patrol to ensure Soldiers are shaving, and staying within the 2ID civilian clothing standards. Everyone is briefed on unauthorized clothing when going through WRC, and they even have posters that give examples of unauthorized clothing. Why can Soldiers, NCO's, and Officers not get right. This just blows my mind.
Posted in these groups: 7058436e ShavingPolicy Policy454274742x356 DA Pam 670-1
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Responses: 17
MAJ Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
Well the hell do you need a courtesy patrol when you have NCOs?
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
>1 y
Good question sir! Why don't you ask the many garrison commanders who find it is necessary to write a policy for this rather than ensuring their NCOs are upholding these standards? From my standpoint, it looks like our leaders are unwilling to hold the NCOs accountable for not correcting inappropriate civilian attire among our troops.
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CMSgt James Nolan
All due respect SSG, that is not a Courtesy Patrol, that is a Regulation Patrol. A Courtesy Patrol makes sure that the little old ladies who are shopping in the rain make it out to their cars safely.
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
10 y
I was joking. Referencing the word Courtesy. If I am walking around specifically looking to correct every thing that every one is doing/wearing wrong-as in that is my function, that is not a"courtesy patrol" that is a "enforcement patrol"
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
>1 y
I agree with 1stSgt, this task is assigned for the courtesy of others, but for the 'courtesy' of the policy.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
5 y
CMSgt James Nolan Courtesy Patrol is a time honored tradition in Korea. It was usually off post. As a courtesy to soldiers, a leader is going to mill around in uniform looking for soldiers headed for trouble, and direct them back on post via the shuttle before the MPs have to. They apparently are doing the same on post to enforce these policies the OP posted.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
2 y
Courtesy Patrol: what is old becomes new again. Time honored tradition for US Army personnel on Peninsula. Leaders are designated on a duty roster to enforce good order and discipline downrange and on post. I had it once a month 98-99. We rolled in pairs.

Perhaps helping old ladies with their shopping bags is another service’s tradition.

It was instituted as a way to cut down UCMJ actions and avoid HN law enforcement complications by simply having a sober adult tap a guy on the shoulder and say “Dude, you’re drunk, go home before you take a bullet train to PFC”. Most complied. If they said F You, you had the MPs take them back.

The running joke used to be the fastest route to Specialist is to send a Sergeant to Korea.
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Maj John Bell
I am shocked that it requires a courtesy patrol. Any and every NCO, SNCO, and Officer should be enforcing the standard whether they are on duty or off. A real and substantial punishment applied a few times (I favor crucifixion on the road to Rome) should serve notice quite effectively. all without sacrificing training time or liberty time for those that would have to serve on courtesy patrol. But if it is necessary, I suggest that field grade officers and senior SNCO's pull the duty. It will definitely send the message that the command means it.
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